【消化器外科領域の緊急手術・処置】 上部消化管 特発性食道破裂
Author:羽生信義(東京慈恵会医科大学 外科), 古川良幸
Source:外科(0016-593X)65巻3号 Page256-265(2003.03)
文献考察2):Boerhaave's syndromeの要点は表2.Hamman sign(縦隔気腫の場合,心拍動に一致してバリバリという音やきしり音が聴取される)は20%に認める.
Postgrad Med J. 1997 May;73(859):265-70. Boerhaave's syndrome.
Janjua KJ.
Boerhaave's syndrome or spontaneous oesophageal perforation, is a potentially lethal and frequently elusive medical condition which presents not only a diagnostic but also a therapeutic challenge. It is insufficiently considered in diagnostic hypotheses, yet may be confirmed or excluded by simple methods such as an erect chest film and a contrast study of the oesophagus. Errors in diagnosis are usually caused by unawareness of its varied and atypical presentations or failure to consider its possibility in acute cardiothoracic and upper gastrointestinal conditions. Early aggressive surgical intervention in the form of open and wide mediastinal and chest drainage, with or without oesophageal repair, resection or exclusion, offers the patient the best chance of survival against this otherwise invariably fatal event. Nonoperative therapy consisting of antibiotics, nil oral regimen, nasogastric tube suction, pleural drainage, H2 receptor blockers and either a feeding enterostomy or total parenteral nutrition, may also be appropriate in selected patients. It is probable that the condition is more common than is generally supposed. All clinicians need to be aware of this lethal disease, its frequently unusual presentations and the importance of early diagnosis.PMID: 9196697