外傷(Trauma)シリーズ20 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 TE 97】

外傷性十二指腸狭窄.Traumatic duodenal stenosis




Author:正木裕児(岡村一心堂病院 外科), 上野隆
Source:日本臨床外科学会雑誌(1345-2843)68巻4号 Page856-859(2007.04)


Author:東久登(東京厚生年金病院 外科), 山本登司, 田中潤一郎, 大木亜津子, 坂佳奈子, 山形誠一, 増田幸蔵, 志田晴彦, 今成朋洋, 町田武久
Source:日本消化器外科学会雑誌(0386-9768)35巻8号 Page1423-1427(2002.08)


3)J Pediatr Surg. 2007 Aug;42(8):1386-8.
Posttraumatic small bowel obstruction in children.
Jones VS, Soundappan SV, Cohen RC, Pitkin J, La Hei ER, Martin HC, Cass DT.

BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of intestinal injuries in children after blunt abdominal trauma can be difficult and delayed. Most children who suffer blunt abdominal trauma are managed nonoperatively, making the diagnosis of intestinal injuries more difficult. We sought to gain information about children who develop intestinal obstruction after blunt abdominal trauma by reviewing our experience. METHODS: Review of records from a pediatric tertiary care center over an 11.5-year period revealed 5 patients who developed small bowel obstruction after blunt trauma to the abdomen. The details of these patients were studied. RESULTS: All patients were previously managed nonoperatively for blunt abdominal trauma. Intestinal obstruction developed 2 weeks to 1 year (median, 21 days) after the trauma. Abdominal x-ray, computerized tomography scan, or barium meal studies were used to establish the diagnosis. The pathology was either a stricture, an old perforation, or adhesions causing the intestinal obstruction. Laparotomy with resection and anastomosis was curative. CONCLUSIONS: Posttraumatic small bowel obstruction is a clinical entity that needs to be watched for in all patients managed nonoperatively for blunt abdominal trauma.PMID: 17706501

4)World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Jan 7;14(1):143-5.
Double ischemic ileal stenosis secondary to mesenteric injury after blunt abdominal trauma.
Bougard V, Avisse C, Patey M, Germain D, Levy-Chazal N, Delattre JF.

The authors describe a rare case in which blunt abdominal trauma resulted in mesenteric injury with delayed double ischemic ileal stenosis. Abdominal computed tomography demonstrated stenotic ileal loop with mural thickening. At surgery, a double stenotic bowel loop was found adjacent to a healed defect in the mesentery. Histological examination of the two resected segments showed fibrotic and ischemic lesions within the mesentery. Ischemic intestinal stenosis from mesenteric injury should be considered in the differential diagnosis in patients suffering from intestinal occlusion with a history of blunt abdominal trauma.PMID: 18176979 (full text)


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