The dilatation is limited to only in small bowel ( >2.5cm outside diameter) suggests mechanical obstruction. The right colon shows liquid content for the most paralytic ileus cases. There is a small quantity of ascites (reference mark) in pelvic cavity of Fig.10 - Fig.12. and dilated small bowel is gasless. Closed loop can be confirmed in this case. On tracking down starting from Fig.11, A occludes at H of Fig.5, and 1 at 9 of Fig. 4. Fig. 3 shows collapsed small bowel (SB). Black arrow of Fig.3 presents beak sign, and circle number 1 of Fig. 3 to 8 of Fig.2 indicate simple obstruction of oral site. Wall of closed loop manifests satisfactory contrast enhancement indicating viable bowel. Because abdominal pain gradually increased, surgery was undertaken. 50cm ileum strangulated (ischemic but viable) by an adhesive band between sigmoid colon and mesentery of ileum was found and severance of a band was all required.