下腹部痛シリーズ(Lower Abdominal Pain) 12 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 LR 57】

S状結腸癌.sigmoid cancer

図5で上行結腸(AC)も下行結腸(DC)も液状内容物で拡張しているので,下行結腸(DC)を図6の1から肛門側へ追跡すると,図13の8で閉塞する.原因は図12と図13の,強く不整な造影効果を受ける病変(↑)で,S状結腸癌による閉塞と診断する.その肛門側は図14の虚脱したAから図13の直腸(0)となる.図12で盲腸は最大径12cm近くあり,穿孔を起こしやすい状態と認識すべきである(下記文献).経肛門的にイレウスチューブを挿入し減圧した(図A).図Bの▲が癌病変(advanced adenocarcinoma).

図1の腹部臥位単純写真で下行結腸内ガスの中断像(▲)を認め,そこでの閉塞の可能性を強く示唆する.図2の1から下行結腸を追跡すると,図7の6で閉塞し,図4〜図8の↑は癌を示唆する病変である.図7のA〜同部のN(図2のGとHは頭側で連結するが画像は省略)が肛門側のS状結腸であるが,虚脱しておらず完全閉塞ではない.図Aの△がS状結腸癌病変(moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma).


1)Abdom Imaging. 2003 Mar-Apr;28(2):267-75. Helical CT of large bowel obstruction. Taourel P, Kessler N, Lesnik A, Pujol J, Morcos L, Bruel JM.
2)Ann Surg Oncol. 2002 Jul;9(6):574-9. Placement of self-expanding metal stents for acute malignant large-bowel obstruction: a collective review. Dauphine CE, Tan P, Beart RW Jr, Vukasin P, Cohen H, Corman ML.

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to review our experience with self-expanding metal stents as the initial interventional approach in the management of acute malignant large-bowel obstruction. METHODS: Twenty-six patients who underwent placement of colonic stents at our institution between June 1994 and June 2000 were identified and reviewed. RESULTS: In 14 patients, the stents were placed for palliation, whereas in 12, they were placed as a bridge to surgery. In 22 patients (85%), stent placement was successful on the first occasion. In the remaining four individuals, one was successfully stented at the second occasion, and three required emergency surgery. Nine of the 12 patients (75%) in the bridge-to-surgery group underwent elective colon resection. In the palliative group, four patients (29%) had reobstruction of the stents, and in one (9%), the stent migrated. In the remaining nine patients (64%), the stent was patent until the patient died or until the time of last follow-up (median, 156 days). CONCLUSIONS: In our experience with 26 patients who developed a complete bowel obstruction as a consequence of a malignant tumor, placement of colonic stents to achieve immediate nonoperative decompression proved to be both safe and effective. Subsequent elective resection was accomplished in the majority of resectable cases. PMID: 12095974

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