文献考察:腹腔内臓動脈瘤(visceral artery aneurysm:表)
Cardiol Clin. 2002 Nov;20(4):611-22, Mesenteric arterial occlusive and aneurysmal disease.
Stanley JC.
Mesenteric arterial diseases are a heterogeneic group of clinically significant illnesses that have become recognized with increasing frequency because of the more common imaging of the intestinal circulation when studying both vascular and nonvascular diseases of the abdomen. Considerable knowledge exists regarding some of these diseases, whereas the understanding of others is anecdotal. It is important for clinicians to recognize differences among common ischemic diseases and common splanchnic aneurysms.PMID: 12472047 要旨:胃動脈瘤・胃大網動脈瘤は全腹腔内臓動脈瘤の4%を占め,胃動脈瘤の方が10倍多い.男:女=3:1,90%が破裂で発見され(70%が消化管出血で,30%は腹腔内出血),死亡率は70%.