上腹部痛(Epigastric Pain)シリーズ27 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 EE 135】

十二指腸前門脈.Preduodenal portal vein

図1〜図4で脾臓はAとBの2つの脾臓が融合したように変形している.図10の1から十二指腸を逆行性に追跡すると数字順に展開する. 門脈(△)との位置関係を検証すると,門脈が十二指腸と膵臓の前面を下降し“十二指腸前門脈( Preduodenal portal vein )”である.さらに図6と図7で十二指腸は門脈(△)と膵臓間で圧排され(↑)狭窄をきたしており,主訴の原因と考える.図5と図6で脾動脈は膵臓背側ではなく,前方を走行する.図6と図7で左腎静脈が大動脈と下大静脈(IVC)の背側を走行する異常もある.図11で十二指腸球部が拡張しており,狭窄による通過障害を示唆し,図12では十二指腸下行部の狭窄を示している(▲).図14で拡張した十二指腸球部により門脈が右側へ変位している(白矢印).空腸十二指腸吻合術を施行し症状が消失した.

参考症例(5mmスライス,十二指腸前門脈・多脾症):74歳男性.3日前からの上腹部痛と増強する黄疸のため来院した.体温:36.0℃,眼瞼結膜に黄疸を認める.腹部に圧痛はない.腹部エコー検査で肝門部での胆管閉塞を認め,エコー下PTBD(経皮経肝的胆道ドレナージ:Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage)を施行した後にCT撮影が行われた.図AはそのPTBDチューブからの造影写真で,肝門部での先細り像を示し(▲),腫瘍性病変による閉塞を示す.

文献考察1):十二指腸前門脈(preduodenal portal vein)
  Author:鮎川文夫(武蔵野赤十字病院 放射線科), 姫野佳郎, 金子朗子, 佐藤眞明, 星章彦, 井上和成, 泉並木
  Source:臨床放射線(0009-9252)48巻12号 Page1555-1559(2003.11)

Abdom Imaging. 1999 Mar-Apr;24(2):178-84.
Polysplenia syndrome detected in adulthood: report of eight cases and review of the literature.
Gayer G, Apter S, Jonas T, Amitai M, Zissin R, Sella T, Weiss P, Hertz M.

BACKGROUND: To present the computed tomographic (CT) features of the abdominal anomalies consistent with polysplenia syndrome in adults. Awareness of these abnormalities may avoid misdiagnosing characteristic findings as separate pathological processes. METHODS: Imaging studies, mainly abdominal CT scans, of eight patients were reviewed. Attention was directed to the location of the multiple spleens, stomach, and liver and to the possible presence of a short pancreas, malrotation of the intestine, and venous anomalies. We also reviewed the CT findings of 15 adult patients described in the literature. RESULTS: Three men and five women underwent CT for various unrelated conditions. The most common findings were multiple spleens along the greater curvature of the stomach, which were located in the right upper quadrant in six patients. The inferior vena cava was seen on the left side in seven subjects, with azygos/hemiazygos continuation in six. A preduodenal portal vein was present in seven subjects. The liver was in the midline in four patients and on the left side in two. A short pancreas was seen in four patients, intestinal nonrotation in five, and dextrocardia in two. The prevalence of these anomalies was similar to that of the reviewed cases. CONCLUSIONS: CT proved to be an excellent imaging modality in the diagnosis of the abdominal anomalies. Some of these (a short pancreas, multiple spleens, and azygos continuation) can simulate pathological processes. Hence the importance of recognizing these CT findings as part of a syndrome.PMID: 10024407
追記:多脾症8例の合併奇形は,左側下大静脈7例,奇静脈連結6例,十二指腸前門脈7例,肝臓の位置異常6例,short pancreas4例,中腸回転異常5例,右心症2例であった.

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