上腹部痛(Epigastric Pain)シリーズ26 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 EE 130】

胃軸捻転症.Gastric torsion

図1でガスで拡張した腸管があり,CTでは胃拡張を認める.図2の食道1を尾側へ追跡すると図9の8となり,↑が食道胃接合部である.そこから胃は図8のA→図7のB→図6のC・・・・→図8のKと展開するので,胃は短軸方向で捻転している(下記文献).胃前庭部(図8のK)と十二指腸(図5と図6のDu )との連続部位は不明だが,図8のDu〜図5のDuの上部十二指腸の走行は異常である.十二指腸(Du)から上部空腸(Je)への移行部も不明だが,図11あたりであろう.Pa:膵臓,DC:下行結腸,TC:横行結腸.NG tubeを挿入し胃を造影したのが図Aと図Bで,白矢印が食道胃接合部であり,胃前庭部が捻転し横隔膜下に変位している.減圧されているのでCT所見から描くイメージ(前庭部が極度に拡張している)とはやや違っている.内視鏡で整復を試みたが成功せず,手術となった.短軸方向の胃捻転が確認され,腹腔鏡下に整復し胃固定術を施行した.

参考症例(胃軸捻転症):5歳男児.急に発症した頻回の嘔吐のため来院.胃腸炎として治療されたが,軽快しないためNG tubeを挿入したら1000mlの胃液が排出された.造影で短軸方向の胃捻転症(図C:▲が食道胃接合部)を認め,NG tubeを5日間留置し,排液量が漸減したので再度造影したら自然整復されていた(図D).


文献考察1):胃軸捻転症(gastric volvulus):図
J Pediatr Surg. 2005 May;40(5):855-8.
Gastric volvulus in children.
Darani A, Mendoza-Sagaon M, Reinberg O.

PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to review the records of all children who presented with gastric volvulus in the past 10 years. METHODS: The study group consisted of 21 children with an age range from 0.2 months to 4.3 years who were operated for gastric volvulus from 1992 to 2003. RESULTS: Initial symptoms included acute abdominal pain after meals, vomiting, and in 8 cases, acute apnea associated with pallor, cyanosis, and hypotonia. After the first episode, barium studies revealed an organoaxial gastric volvulus in all cases. The surgical procedure was an anterior gastropexy with reinforcement of the esophagogastric angle performed by laparoscopy in 13 cases and by laparotomy in 8 (1 converted laparoscopy). An associated antireflux fundoplication was done in 3 patients. All children received postoperative antireflux medication for at least 1 month. The follow-up ranged from 4 months to 4.8 years. Two children in the laparotomy group required reoperation (Toupet fundoplication) for persistent gastroesophageal reflux disease. All children are currently symptom-free and without treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Gastric volvulus is a clinical and radiological reality, which can be treated by a gastropexy. Initial fundoplication is not mandatory. The laparoscopic gastropexy is a good option and allows a repeat laparoscopic procedure if needed.PMID: 15937830

Br J Surg. 2000 Mar;87(3):358-61.
Changing patterns in the management of gastric volvulus over 14 years.
Teague WJ, Ackroyd R, Watson DI, Devitt PG.

BACKGROUND: Gastric volvulus is an uncommon condition, which can be difficult to diagnose and treat. This study represents a large series of patients with the condition. METHODS: All patients presenting with gastric volvulus over a 14-year period were reviewed. RESULTS: Some 36 patients (median age 75 years) were identified. Volvulus, usually secondary to a hiatus hernia, presented acutely in 29 patients. The major symptoms were abdominal pain, vomiting and upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage. The most useful investigations were barium contrast studies and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, which were helpful in 21 of 25 and 11 of 18 patients respectively. Treatment was conservative in five patients, by open surgery in 13 and laparoscopic repair in 18 (three converted to open operation). There were no major complications and no deaths. Median hospital stay was shorter in patients treated by laparoscopic rather than open surgery (6 (range 4-36) versus 14 (7-50) days; P
  Author:小林成行(土肥病院 外科), 木下茂喜
  Source:日本臨床外科学会雑誌(1345-2843)66巻4号 Page827-831(2005.04)

3文献のまとめ.胃軸捻転の病型には噴門と幽門を結ぶ線を軸として回転する長軸性捻転(臓器軸性:organoaxial type:図A), 小弯曲・大弯の中心を結ぶ軸を中心として回転する短軸性捻転(間膜軸性:mesenteroaxial type:図B)と,両者が混在した複合性捻転(combined type)に分けられる. 発生病因として解剖学的に異常を伴う続発性のものと,異常を伴わない特発性に分類される.特発性は胃周囲の胃固定間膜(胃横隔膜間膜, 胃脾間膜, 胃肝間膜, 胃結腸間膜など)の脆弱性が要因となる.続発性の誘因として遊走脾, 無脾症候群などの脾臓疾患や食道裂孔ヘルニア, 横隔膜ヘルニア, 横隔膜弛緩症などの横隔膜疾患が挙げられる.

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