下腹部痛シリーズ(Lower Abdominal Pain) 6 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 LR 29】

S状結腸憩室症とS状結腸膀胱瘻sigmoid-vesical fistula with sigmoid diverticuli

下腹部痛と尿路感染症の原因はなにか? 図5〜図11で膀胱内にガスがある(※).導尿やフォーリーカテーテルを挿入後に少量のガスを膀胱内に認めることはよくあることだが,通常は膀胱内ガスは異常である.図11から逆行性に膀胱を追跡すると,左背側部△の部分が肥厚しはじめ,図7で最高に肥厚する.一方図11の直腸1は図の数字順に図1の18となると思われる.図7の膀胱肥厚部△と図6のS状結腸11が連続し,図4の8〜15までのS状結腸が壁肥厚を呈し,図2〜図5で憩室を認め(↑),S状結腸憩室炎によるS状結腸膀胱瘻と診断する.画像上は膀胱癌の可能性も否定できないが,膀胱鏡で膀胱癌は否定された.

1)Williams RA, Davis IP .
Diverticular disease of the colon.
In ; Bockus's Castroentcrology, 5th Ed, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1637-1654, 1995.

2) Nishimori H, Hirata K, Fukui R, Sasaki M, Yasoshima T, Nakajima F, Hata F, Kobayashi K.
Vesico-ileosigmoidal fistula caused by diverticulitis: report of a case and literature review in Japan.
J Korean Med Sci. 2003 Jun;18(3):433-6.
 Enterovesical fistula is a relatively uncommon complication of colorectal and pelvic malignancies, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, radiotherapy, and trauma in Asian countries. A case of vesico-ileosigmoidal fistula and a literature review of this disease in Japan are presented. A 70-yr-old male was referred with complaints of urinary pain and pneumaturia. On admission, urinary tract infection and pneumaturia were presented. A barium enema demonstrated multiple diverticulum in his sigmoid colon and the passage of contrast medium into the bladder and ileum. Under the diagnosis of vesico-ileosigmoidal fistula due to suspected diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon, sigmoidectomy and partial resection of the ileum with partial cystectomy were performed. The histopathology revealed diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon with diverticulitis and development of a vesico-ileosigmoidal fistula. No malignant findings were observed. Until the year 2000, a total of 173 cases of vesico-sigmoidal fistula caused by diverticulitis had been reported in Japan. Pneumaturia and fecaluria are the most common types, presenting symptoms in 63% of the cases. Computed tomography, with a sensitivity of 40% to 100%, is the most commonly used diagnostic study. For patients with vesico-sigmoidal fistula, resection of the diseased sigmoid colon and partial cystectomy with primary anastomosis are the safest and most acceptable procedures, leading to the best results. PMID: 12808335 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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