上腹部痛(Epigastric Pain)シリーズ17 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 ER 85】

上行結腸癌.Ascending colon cancer

図8で上行結腸(A)は拡張し,下行結腸(D)は虚脱しているので上行結腸を肛門側へ,壁所見に注意しながら追跡する.図6と図7で造影効果を受ける壁肥厚を呈し(↑),図2〜図5で不整に造影される腫瘤を示し(▲)完全閉塞を起こしているので上行結腸癌による結腸閉塞と診断する.手術で同所見が確認された(図A:白矢印が癌病変).病理:well to moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.

参考症例(盲腸癌):54歳男性.前日に上腹部痛が出現し,当日嘔吐も加わり来院した.体温:36.4℃,腹部に圧痛はないが腸雑音が亢進している.図6の1から拡張した回腸が始まり,図の数字順に展開する.回腸拡張の原因は図4〜図9の病変↑であり,強く不整に造影され盲腸癌であろう.図Aが摘出標本で白矢印が癌病変.病理:well differentiated adenocarcinoma.

Br J Surg. 2002 Sep;89(9):1096-102.
Systematic review of the efficacy and safety of colorectal stents.
Khot UP, Lang AW, Murali K, Parker MC.

BACKGROUND: Colorectal stents are being used for palliation and as a 'bridge to surgery' in obstructing colorectal cancers. METHODS: A systematic review of the published data on stenting for the treatment of colorectal obstruction was carried out by searching Medline and other online databases for the period from January 1990 to December 2000. A total of 58 publications (case series, single case reports and reviews) was found, of which 29 case series were included in the analysis. Technical and clinical success, complications and reobstruction, both in palliation and as a 'bridge to surgery', were assessed. Both descriptive statistics and pooled analyses were carried out. RESULTS: Pooled results showed that stent insertion was attempted in 598 instances. Technical success was achieved in 551 (92 per cent) and clinical success in 525 (88 per cent). Palliation was achieved in 302 (90 per cent) of 336 cases, while 223 (85 per cent) of 262 insertions succeeded as a 'bridge to surgery' (95 per cent had a one-stage surgical procedure). There were three deaths (1 per cent). Perforation occurred 22 times (4 per cent). Stent migration was reported in 54 (10 per cent) of 551 technically successful cases. The rate of stent reobstruction was 52 (10 per cent) of 525, mainly in the palliative group. CONCLUSION: Evidence suggests that colorectal stents offer good palliation, and are safe and effective as a 'bridge to surgery'. Stent usage can avoid the need for a stoma, and is associated with low rates of mortality and morbidity. Dilatation of malignant strictures at the time of stent placement appears to be dangerous and should be avoided.PMID: 12190673
  【参照症例】   1. 右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ3 【症例 RR 11】
2. 右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ11 【症例 RR 54】

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