Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2003 Dec;32(4):1127-43. Intestinal ischemia.
Burns BJ, Brandt LJ.
Ischemic injury to the gastrointestinal tract can threaten bowel viability with potential catastrophic consequences, including intestinal necrosis and gangrene. The presenting symptoms and signs are relatively nonspecific and diagnosis requires a high index of clinical suspicion. AMI often results from an embolus or thrombus within the SMA, although a low-flow state through an area of profound atherosclerosis may also induce severe ischemia. Because most laboratory and radiologic studies are nonspecific in early ischemia an aggressive approach to diagnosis with imaging of the splanchnic vasculature by mesenteric angiography is advocated. Various therapeutic approaches, including the infusion of vasodilators and thrombolytics, may then be used. Proper diagnosis and management of patients with AMI requires vigilance and a readiness to pursue an aggressive course of action.PMID: 14696300
文献考察2):American Gastrointestinal AssociationのSMV血栓症の治療方針.
Brandt LJ, Boley SJ. AGA technical review on intestinal ischemia. American Gastrointestinal Association.
Gastroenterology. 2000 May;118(5):954-68. Review. PMID: 10784596
要旨:SMV血栓症の診断がつけば治療方針は腹膜刺激症状があるかないかで決まる.腹膜刺激症状があれば開腹手術が必要で,なければ1週間程度のheparinizationで様子をみる.その後はワーファリンを3-6ヶ月投与する.SMA,またはSMVから溶解療法で成功した症例報告はあるが普遍的に行われている治療法ではない.手術が決定されても術前と術後にheparinizationは必要である.second look手術は,残した腸管のviabilityに疑問があるときだけ適応がある.