【腹部救急疾患 診断と治療のながれ】 肝・胆・膵・門脈 肝細胞癌破裂
Author:森根裕二(徳島大学 大学院臓器病態外科), 藤井正彦, 副島雄二, 居村暁, 池本哲也, 島田光生
Source:外科(0016-593X)67巻9号 Page1043-1049(2005.09)
Abstract:肝細胞癌破裂は予後不良疾患であり,腹腔内出血と急性肝不全に対する初期治療とともに腫瘍に対する治療が必要である.初期治療においては救急疾患としての迅速な診断とともに全身管理が必要となる.止血法は,interventional radiologyの進歩した現在,肝動脈塞栓術が第一選択となる.止血成功例においては,適切な腫瘍の進展度診断とともに肝予備能を考慮した2期的根治手術を施行することによって非破裂肝細胞癌と同等の予後の改善が見込まれる(著者抄録). 追記:肝細胞癌の破裂機序は,腫瘍浸潤による肝静脈分枝の遮断が起こり,その結果腫瘍内圧が上昇し腫瘍表面の破裂を引き起こすと考えられている.そのため腹腔内に突出した腫瘍に発生しやすく,腫瘍径も5cm以上の進行性肝癌に破裂例が多い.突然の腹痛,腹部膨満とショック症状が3徴とされる.肝細胞癌破裂例は背景に肝疾患を有する症例が多く,出血が肝血流量をを低下させ容易に肝不全や凝固能の破綻をきたす.TAEは低侵襲であり止血効果も優れているため第一選択の治療法である.場合によっては複数回施行する.TAEで一時的止血に成功し全身状態が改善したら根治手術を考慮した二期的肝切除術に移行すべきである.
Korean J Gastroenterol. 2004 Sep;44(3):160-7. The clinical study on spontaneously ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma.[Article in Korean]
Min HJ, Lee OJ, Kang do Y, Lee EJ, Lee JH, Kim HJ, Kim TH, Jung WT, Cho JH.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Spontaneous rupture of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is known as a rare but life- threatening condition because of massive blood loss into the peritoneal cavity. In the countries with high prevalence, the reported incidence of spontaneous rupture and hemorrhage ranged from 10.2% to 14.5% of patients with HCC. This study was aimed to analyze the risk factors for spontaneous rupture and prognosis in the patients with ruptured HCC. METHODS: Among 642 consecutive patients with HCC who had admitted to Gyeongsang National University Hospital from January 1998 to September 2003, spontaneous rupture of HCC occurred in 83 patients (12.9%). The medical records of the 83 patients were reviewed retrospectively, and the clinico-laboratory parameters and radiologic findings were analyzed. RESULTS: Sixty-nine out of the 83 patients were male, the mean age was 57.7 +/- 13.2 years (male, 56.8 +/- 12.9 years; female, 62.3 +/- 13.5 years). Location of tumor, Child-Pugh class and Okuda stage were the risk factors influencing spontaneous rupture of HCC, whereas the TNM stage, presence of portal vein thrombosis, and size of the tumor were not. Among the 83 patients with ruptured HCC, 51 were treated by transarterial embolization (TAE), 31 by supportive measures, and 1 by operation. The median survival time was 3.4 +/- 4.5 months in all patients with ruptured HCC, 4.9 +/- 5.1 in successful TAE, and 2.1 +/- 3.4 in supportive measure groups. CONCLUSIONS: Advanced Child-Pugh class, advanced Okuda stage, and peripheral location were the risk factors for spontaneous rupture of HCC. The prolonged survival could be achieved in patients eligible for successful transarterial embolization rather than supportive measures.PMID: 15385725
文献考察3):Child-Pugh classification(表)
D'Angelica M,Fong Y.The Liver:In Townsend's Sabiston Textbook of Surgery.17th ed.2004,page:1534.Elsevier Saunders.Philadelphia.