Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2003 Dec;32(4):1169-94 Emergency complications of acute and chronic pancreatitis.
Law NM, Freeman ML.
Acute pancreatitis is a common disease with a relatively high morbidity and mortality. In contrast, chronic pancreatitis is a recurrent disease with multiple potential complications that occasionally require urgent intervention. This article focuses on the emergency complications of acute and chronic pancreatitis that require urgent intervention. Recent developments in the diagnosis and management of such complications are discussed. Review PMID: 14696302 要旨:仮性嚢胞の合併症は出血,感染,破裂と近接臓器への圧排がある.仮性嚢胞のドレナージの適応は,1)症状が持続し縮小しない,2)大きさが6cm以上で6週間経っても縮小しない,3)近接臓器(腸管,胆管とその他)の圧迫所見.破裂は腹腔内に起これば大量の腹水として,また胸腔内へ大量に滲出すれば肺や心臓を圧排して緊急事態を惹起させることもある.腹水や胸水中のアミラーゼ値が2万 IU/L以上を示せば膵仮性嚢胞破裂の診断となる.
Dig Dis Sci. 1999 Aug;44(8):1669-73. Pseudocysts in acute nonalcoholic pancreatitis: incidence and natural history.
Maringhini A, Uomo G, Patti R, Rabitti P, Termini A, Cavallera A, Dardanoni G, Manes G, Ciambra M, Laccetti M, Biffarella P, Pagliaro L.
Epidemiological studies on pancreatic pseudocysts are retrospective analyses on alcoholic patients. The aims of this study were to investigate the incidence, natural history, and predictors of the appearance and disappearance of pancreatic fluid collections and pseudocysts after nonalcoholic acute pancreatitis. We carried out a prospective cohort study in a series of 926 patients with acute pancreatitis. Pancreatic fluid collections or pseudocysts were treated only after complications. We studied pancreatic fluid collections from 83 patients (8.9%): 48 of whom developed pseudocysts (5.1%). Both were less frequent after biliary pancreatitis (P