文献考察:急性膵炎のCT検査.単純CTで軽症(BalthazarのGrade(ExpertコースEE52の解説) A,B,C)であれば膵壊死は1例もなく,合併症と死亡例もなかった.単純CTで重症(Grade D と E)例で膵壊死は66例中13例に認め,その死亡率は23%であった.単純CTのGrade DとEは造影CTが必要だが,Grade A〜Cは造影CTは不必要である..
AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2004 Mar;182(3):569-74. Prognostic value of CT in the early assessment of patients with acute pancreatitis.
Casas JD, Diaz R, Valderas G, Mariscal A, Cuadras P.
OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the prognostic value of early CT in acute pancreatitis, the role of pancreatic necrosis as a indicator of prognosis, and the need for the routine use of IV iodinated contrast material in early CT to assess prognosis in these patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of 148 patients who underwent unenhanced and contrast-enhanced helical CT within 72 hr after onset of symptoms of a first episode of acute pancreatitis. Patients were classified by CT grade and grouped into two categories (mild: grades A, B, C; and severe: grades D and E) that were correlated with complications and death. In the grades including patients with pancreatic necrosis, it was also correlated with complications and death. RESULTS: All complications (n = 15) and deaths (n = 4) occurred in patients with a CT grade of severe disease; differences as compared with mild grade were significant (p