上腹部痛(Epigastric Pain)シリーズ11 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 EE 53】

症例 EE53(10mmスライス):膵壊死.Pancreatic necrosis




Surgery. 2005 Jul;138(1):28-39.
Surgical treatment of necrotizing pancreatitis by necrosectomy and closed lavage: changing patient characteristics and outcome in a 19-year, single-center series.
Rau B, Bothe A, Beger HG.

BACKGROUND: Surgical treatment of necrotizing pancreatitis (NP) has undergone considerable changes during the past 2 decades. In this study, we report our experience of necrosectomy and continuous closed lavage over the past 19 years in an attempt to define changes in patient characteristics and outcome at an academic referral center. METHODS: Among 1520 patients admitted with acute pancreatitis, 392 had NP, 285 of whom underwent operative treatment. The total series was evaluated separately for treatment period A (May 1982 until April 1993) and treatment period B (May 1993 until May 2001). RESULTS: Intraoperative bacteriology revealed sterile necrosis in 145 and infected necrosis in 140 patients. Preoperative disease severity did not differ between the groups; however, the extent of pancreatic parenchymal necrosis was less in patients with sterile necrosis (P

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