上腹部痛(Epigastric Pain)シリーズ8 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 ER 38】

急性壊死性胆嚢炎.Acute gangrenous cholecystitis.

胆嚢(GB)の腫大はないが,図6で漿膜下浮腫(↑)による壁肥厚を示し,図7と図8で膵前面に(△),図8〜図10で十二指腸背側に(▲),図11と図12でMorison窩に(△)液貯留を認め急性胆嚢炎の可能性が高い.膵頭部に腫大や造影効果の減弱を認めず膵炎は否定的である.注目すべきは,前2症例と比較して胆嚢壁の造影効果がかなり減弱している(図6:白矢印)ことで,血流の低下を意味し壊死性胆嚢炎を強く示唆する.緊急手術となり,同所見が確認された(図A:切除胆嚢の粘膜面).CTでは認識できないが胆嚢内にコレステロール結石2個を認めた.病理:acute gangrenous cholecystitis.

参考症例 1(急性壊死性胆嚢炎):49歳女性.4日前から上腹部痛と微熱があり,前日に痛みが増強し,さらに嘔吐が加わった.体温:37.7℃,右上腹部に圧痛があり,Murphy’s signを認めた.図3で胆嚢(GB)は漿膜下浮腫(↑)で壁肥厚し,脂肪組織の濃度上昇があり(▲)急性胆嚢炎であるが,胆嚢壁(白矢印)の造影効果は明らかに減弱し壊死性胆嚢炎を疑うべきである.緊急手術が行われ,図Aが摘出した胆嚢の漿膜面,図Bは粘膜面.病理:gangrenous cholecystitis.

参考症例 2(急性壊死性胆嚢炎):58歳男性.脳梗塞で入院中だが,前日に上腹部痛と発熱が出現した.腹部エコー検査で急性胆嚢炎と診断され,CT検査も施行された.体温:38.4℃,右上腹部に圧痛を認めた.

AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2002 Feb;178(2):275-81.
CT findings in acute gangrenous cholecystitis.
Bennett GL, Rusinek H, Lisi V, Israel GM, Krinsky GA, Slywotzky CM, Megibow A.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the CT findings in acute gangrenous cholecystitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four observers retrospectively reviewed CT scans in 75 patients (23 with acute gangrenous cholecystitis, 25 with acute non-gangrenous cholecystitis, and 27 without cholecystitis). The following findings were evaluated: distention, mural thickening, wall enhancement, irregular wall, wall striation, intraluminal membranes, pericholecystic inflammation, gallstones, pericholecystic fluid, enhancement of liver parenchyma, pericholecystic abscess, and gas in the wall or lumen. Sensitivity and specificity of CT for gangrenous cholecystitis and for each finding were calculated. Two reviewers in consensus measured gallbladder dimension and wall thickness. Logistic regression models were used to predict gangrenous versus non-gangrenous cholecystitis. RESULTS: Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of CT for acute cholecystitis were 91.7%, 99.1%, and 94.3%, respectively, and for acute gangrenous cholecystitis were 29.3%, 96.0%, and 64.1%, respectively. Findings with the highest specificity for gangrenous cholecystitis were gas in the wall or lumen (100%), intraluminal membranes (99.5%), irregular or absent wall (97.6%), and abscess (96.6%). The difference between the mean gallbladder wall thickness and the short-axis dimension for the two groups with cholecystitis was statistically significant. In three patients with gangrenous cholecystitis, no mural enhancement was seen. Pericholecystic fluid also achieved statistical significance for the diagnosis of gangrene. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the overall accuracy of CT for gangrenous cholecystitis was 86.7%. CONCLUSION: CT findings most specific for acute gangrenous cholecystitis are gas in the wall or lumen, intraluminal membranes, irregular wall, and pericholecystic abscess. Gangrenous cholecystitis is associated with a lack of mural enhancement, pericholecystic fluid, and a greater degree of gallbladder distention and wall thickening.PMID: 11804880

1)AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1995 Feb;164(2):343-6.
CT finding of transient focal increased attenuation of the liver adjacent to the gallbladder in acute cholecystitis.
Yamashita K, Jin MJ, Hirose Y, Morikawa M, Sumioka H, Itoh K, Konish J.

OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this article is to report the finding of transient focal increased attenuation of the liver adjacent to the gallbladder on enhanced CT scans in patients with acute cholecystitis. This finding should not be confused with primary liver abnormalities. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Five patients with acute cholecystitis were studied. Because a thickened gallbladder wall was seen on sonography, all patients were examined preoperatively with incremental dynamic helical CT to exclude carcinoma of the gallbladder. CT findings were compared with results of sonography for five patients, MR imaging for two patients, and surgery for five patients. RESULTS. Transient focal increased attenuation of the liver adjacent to the gallbladder was seen in the early phase of incremental dynamic CT in five patients and extended into the medial segment anterior to the porta hepatis. The areas showing increased attenuation adjacent to the gallbladder had a curvilinear shape around the gallbladder. No hepatic masses were seen on sonograms, on MR images, or at surgery. CONCLUSION. Transient focal increased attenuation of the liver may occur on CT scans in patients with acute cholecystitis. The increased attenuation associated with acute cholecystitis has a typical location and pattern. This finding is probably attributable to hepatic arterial hyperemia and to early venous drainage caused by the adjacent inflamed gallbladder. This finding should be differentiated from hypervascular hepatic tumors.PMID: 7839966

2)Radiology. 1997 Sep;204(3):723-8.
Gallbladder disease: appearance of associated transient increased attenuation in the liver at biphasic, contrast-enhanced dynamic CT.
Ito K, Awaya H, Mitchell DG, Honjo K, Fujita T, Uchisako H, Moritani K, Nomura S, Higuchi M, Kada T, Matsumoto T, Matsunaga N.

PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency, location, and appearance of transient increased attenuation in the liver during arterial-phase helical or incremental computed tomography (CT) in patients with gallbladder disease without hepatic extension. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Findings in dynamic CT examinations in 31 patients with surgically proved gallbladder disease not extending into the liver and in 31 control patients without gallbladder disease were retrospectively reviewed and correlated with findings in other imaging examinations. RESULTS: Areas of transient increased hepatic attenuation (n = 27) were identified in 22 of 31 patients with gallbladder disease and in only one of 31 control patients. The difference in these findings was statistically significant (P
3)AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2004 Aug;183(2):437-42.
Relationship between various patterns of transient increased hepatic attenuation on CT and portal vein thrombosis related to acute cholecystitis.
Choi SH, Lee JM, Lee KH, Kim SH, Kim YJ, An SK, Han JK, Choi BI.

OBJECTIVE: We sought to investigate the prevalence of portal vein thrombosis in patients with acute cholecystitis and the relationship between portal vein thrombosis and the various patterns of transient increased hepatic attenuation on CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 72 of 107 patients with acute cholecystitis who, during a 3-year period, underwent dual-phase contrast-enhanced CT before percutaneous cholecystostomy or cholecystectomy. CT scans were retrospectively reviewed for the presence of portal vein thrombosis and location of the thrombi and for patterns of transient increased hepatic attenuation, which were classified as either pericholecystic, segmental, or mixed. RESULTS: Portal vein thrombi (two in hepatic segment IV, three in the left portal vein, and one in the right posterior portal vein) were found in six (8.3%) of 72 patients, and in those patients, transient increased attenuation with a segmental (five patients) or mixed (one patient) pattern was seen on CT. The pattern of transient increased attenuation in the 54 patients without portal vein thrombosis was pericholecystic in 41 (75.9%) and mixed in 13 (24.1%). Nineteen patients had segmental distribution (segmental or mixed pattern) that in 31.6% (6/19) of the patients was associated with portal vein thrombosis. Segmental distribution was more frequently found in those patients who had acute cholecystitis with portal vein thrombosis than in those who had only acute cholecystitis (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: In patients with acute cholecystitis, portal vein thrombosis is not uncommon. Patterns of transient increased hepatic attenuation were found to vary, depending on the presence or absence of portal vein thrombosis. PMID: 15269038(full text)

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