J R Coll Surg Edinb. 1999 Jun;44(3):150-5. Small bowel volvulus: a review.
Iwuagwu O, Deans GT.
Small bowel volvulus is a rare but life-threatening surgical emergency. The aetiology may be primary, as is often seen in Africa and Asia, while in Western countries other predisposing conditions usually initiate the volvulus. Early preoperative investigation and expedient surgical treatment is required if bowel infarction is to be prevented. Central abdominal pain resistant to narcotic analgesia should heighten the suspicion of the diagnosis. The diagnostic value of computerised tomography (CT) scanning in such situations has been emphasised. If the bowel is infarcted resection is required, but the optimum treatment for cases with viable small bowel is uncertain, the alternatives either being resection, fixation, or simple derotation. Review.PMID: 10372482 追記:原発性小腸軸捻転はアフリカや東南アジアでは欧米と比較して続発性より圧倒的に多い.大量の食餌摂取後食物が空腸に達すると,空腸は骨盤腔内に落下し回腸を上方へ変位させ腸間膜の回転を生じさせるために発生すると言われる.死亡率は10〜35%で,腸管壊死があると40%以上である.