上腹部痛(Epigastric Pain)シリーズ5 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 ER 24】

絞扼性小腸閉塞(壊死なし).Strangulated obstruction with no necrosis.

結腸の拡張を認めず小腸閉塞である.図1と図17で少量の腹水があり(※),拡張した小腸はgaslessで,図8で軽度だが腸間膜の濃度上昇を認め(▲),絞扼性小腸閉塞を疑うべきである.図16の1とAから追跡すると図7の32とJとなり同部位で閉塞し,closed loopである.図6と図7で虚脱した小腸(SB)があり,図6の丸数字1は図7の32とは内容物が違うので連続せず,単純閉塞の起始部であり,丸数字のように進展すると解釈する.Closed loopを形成している小腸壁の造影効果は単純閉塞のそれと同等であり,壁肥厚も認めず壊死はない.腹痛が増強したので手術となった.小腸中央部で癒着と索状物により約50cmの小腸がclosed loopを形成し絞扼されていたが,壊死所見はなく索状物切離と癒着剥離を施行した.

Ann Surg. 2000 Apr;231(4):529-37.
Complications and death after surgical treatment of small bowel obstruction: A 35-year institutional experience.
Fevang BT, Fevang J, Stangeland L, Soreide O, Svanes K, Viste A.

OBJECTIVE: To study factors influencing complications and death after operations for small bowel obstruction (SBO) using multifactorial statistical methods. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Death after surgery for SBO is believed to be influenced by factors such as old age, comorbidities, bowel gangrene, and delay in treatment. No studies have been reported in which adverse factors related to death and complications have been systematically investigated with modern statistical methods. METHODS: The authors studied retrospectively 877 patients who underwent 1,007 operations for SBO from 1961 to 1995. Patients with paralytic ileus, intussusception, and abdominal cancer were excluded. Odds ratios for death, complications, postoperative hospital stay, and strangulation were calculated by means of logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Death and complication rates decreased during the study period. Old age, comorbidity, nonviable strangulation, and a treatment delay of more than 24 hours were significantly associated with an increased death rate. The rate of nonviable strangulation increased markedly with patient age. Major factors increasing the complication rate were old age, comorbidity, a treatment delay of more than 24 hours, and the need for repeat surgery. CONCLUSION: Death and complication rates after SBO decreased from 1961 to 1995. Major factors influencing the rates were age, comorbidity, nonviable strangulation, and treatment delay. Nonviable strangulation was more common in old patients.PMID: 10749614

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