1)Arch Surg. 2003 Dec;138(12):1367-70. Hepatic portal gas in adults: review of the literature and presentation of a consecutive series of 11 cases.
Peloponissios N, Halkic N, Pugnale M, Jornod P, Nordback P, Meyer A, Gillet M.
BACKGROUND: Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG) in adults is a rare entity. The underlying pathologic condition is usually an intestinal ischemia, but it has been reported in association with a variety of conditions. HYPOTHESIS: Miscomprehension of the underlying pathologic conditions has led to some confusion in the literature concerning its etiology, diagnostic methods, and clinical consequences. SETTING: Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland, and District Hospital of Morges, Morges, Switzerland. METHOD: Between February 1, 1995, and May 30, 2000, eleven cases of HPVG were treated. These cases were retrospectively reviewed, together with a review of the literature to define the clinical significance of HPVG, the role of the computed tomographic scan, and the necessity of performing systematic emergency exploratory surgery. RESULTS: Two groups have to be distinguished-those who have HPVG with associated pneumatosis intestinalis and those who have HPVG without associated pneumatosis intestinalis. When associated with pneumatosis intestinalis, the cause is usually an intestinal ischemia and in a symptomatic patient it justifies systematic exploratory surgery. An abdominal computed tomographic scan including lung window settings to better identify air in the bowel wall will distinguish between these 2 groups. Pneumatosis intestinalis and HPVG due to bowel ischemia do not allow prediction of the severity of bowel wall damage. CONCLUSIONS: The cause of HPVG without pneumatosis intestinalis is variable. Good knowledge of the possible causes combined with the clinical picture and the abdominal computed tomographic scan is required to correctly identify the underlying cause of HPVG and to avoid unnecessary surgery.PMID: 14662541 追記:文献考察によると門脈内ガスの約75%は腸管壊死によるもの.腸管壁内ガスを伴う例は腸管壊死の可能性が極めて高く手術の適応である.腸管壊死以外の原因疾患は表1.胆管内ガスは胆汁の流れと逆方向へ上行してきたガスなので肝門部に限局し肝辺縁から2cm以内の末梢まで到達しない.他方門脈内ガスは門脈血の流れに沿って上行するので肝内の末梢まで広がり肝辺縁から2cm以内まで到達する.
2)Am J Emerg Med. 2004 May;22(3):214-8. Hepatic portal venous gas: clinical significance of computed tomography findings.
Hou SK, Chern CH, How CK, Chen JD, Wang LM, Lee CH.
Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG) is a rare radiographic finding of significance. Most cases with HPVG are related to mesenteric ischemia that have been associated with extended bowel necrosis and fatal outcome. With the help of computed tomography (CT) in early diagnosis of HPVG, the clinical outcome of patients with mesenteric ischemia has improved. There has been also an increasing rate of detection of HPVG with certain nonischemic conditions. In this report, we present two cases demonstrating HPVG unrelated to mesenteric ischemia. One patient with cholangitis presented abdominal pain with local peritonitis and survived after appropriate antibiotic treatment. Laparotomy was avoided as a result of lack of CT evidence of ischemic bowel disease besides the presence of HPVG. The other case had severe enteritis. Although his CT finding preluded ischemic bowel disease, conservative treatment was implemented because of the absence of peritoneal signs or clinical toxic symptoms. Therefore, whenever HPVG is detected on CT, urgent exploratory laparotomy is only mandatory in a patient with whom intestinal ischemia or infarction is suspected on the basis of radiologic and clinical findings. On the other hand, unnecessary exploratory laparotomy should be avoided in nonischemic conditions that are usually associated with a better clinical outcome if appropriate therapy is prompted for the underlying diseases. Patients with radiographic diagnosis of HPVG should receive a detailed history review and physical examination. The patient's underlying condition should be determined to provide a solid ground for exploratory laparotomy. A flow chart is presented for facilitating the management of patients with HPVG in the ED.PMID: 15138961 追記:腸管壁内ガスを伴う例は腸管壊死の可能性が極めて高く,手術の適応である.algorithm:表2.
Author:濱田賢司(松阪市民病院 外科), 高橋宏明, 岡村一則, 小坂篤, 勝田浩司
Source:日本臨床外科学会雑誌(1345-2843)64巻9号 Page2317-2321(2003.09)
Author:花岡俊仁(住友別子病院), 鈴木栄治, 長井一信, 森秀暁, 藤井徹也, 川島邦裕, 石田数逸, 三原康生, 白川敦子
Source:外科(0016-593X)64巻2号 Page225-227(2002.02)