右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ20 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 RE 99】

右傍十二指腸ヘルニア.Right paraduodenal hernia.


  Author:山口智弘(滋賀医科大学 外科), 内藤弘之, 遠藤善裕, 来見良誠, 花澤一芳, 谷徹
  Source:日本臨床外科学会雑誌(1345-2843)63巻8号 Page1901-1904(2002.08)

Radiology. 2001 Jan;218(1):68-74.
Internal hernia: clinical and imaging findings in 17 patients with emphasis on CT criteria.
Blachar A, Federle MP, Dodson SF.
PURPOSE: To review the clinical and radiologic features of internal hernia and to derive useful radiographic and CT criteria to assist in diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective review of medical records revealed 17 patients with surgically proved internal hernia (three paraduodenal, 14 transmesenteric) who had 15 computed tomographic (CT) scans and three small-bowel follow-through (SBFT) images. RESULTS: CT signs common to all types of internal hernia included evidence of small-bowel obstruction; clustering of small bowel; stretched, displaced, crowded, and engorged mesenteric vessels; and displacement of other bowel segments, especially the transverse colon and fourth portion of the duodenum. Left-sided paraduodenal hernias demonstrated a sac-like mass of small-bowel loops interposed between the stomach and pancreatic tail and a posterior mass effect on the stomach. All three paraduodenal hernias were diagnosed confidently at retrospective review of CT and SBFT findings. Transmesenteric hernias demonstrated clustered small-bowel loops adjacent to the abdominal wall without overlying omental fat and central displacement of colon and were frequently complicated by small-bowel volvulus (five of 14) and bowel ischemia (six of 14). CT demonstrated signs of volvulus in four of six patients with ischemia. CT findings considered definitive or suggestive of internal hernia were demonstrated in 15 patients. CONCLUSION: Internal hernia is an important and underdiagnosed condition. Transmesenteric hernia is most common in our experience and is usually related to prior abdominal surgery, especially with creation of a Roux-en-Y anastomosis. CT may allow confident diagnosis in most patients.PMID: 11152781(full text)
  【参照症例】   1. 上腹部痛シリーズ 19 【症例 EE 97】
2. 上腹部痛シリーズ 19 【症例 EE 96】

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