文献考察:直腸膀胱瘻(recto-vesical fistula)
1)【消化器外科疾患 診断と治療のフローチャート】 直腸腟瘻・直腸膀胱瘻
Author:杉田昭(横浜市立大学医学部附属市民総合医療センター), 小金井一隆, 山崎安信, 原田博文, 福島恒男, 嶋田紘
Source:外科(0016-593X)62巻12号 Page1480-1485(2000.11)
Author:柴田佳久(豊橋市民病院 外科・こう門科), 加藤岳人, 鈴木正臣, 尾上重巳, 長沢圭一
Source:日本臨床外科学会雑誌(1345-2843)65巻2号 Page444-448(2004.02)
Abstract:75歳男.慢性前立腺炎で泌尿器科通院中,肛門出血を認めた.精査を行い,S状結腸に憩室はあるが,経過から憩室炎症状や憩室穿孔による腹膜外膿瘍は考えにくく,難治性で高度の前立腺炎から膿瘍形成がみられ,炎症が直腸と膀胱に及び瘻孔が形成されたと診断した.厳重な経過観察とし,1年後,下部直腸前壁粘膜の不整像と直腸外前方へ造影剤の溢漏が認められ,その後,直腸膀胱瘻に起因すると思われる腎盂腎炎が出現したため,開腹手術を施行した.骨盤底は強度の骨盤炎の様相を呈し膀胱と直腸は強固に癒着し一塊となっており,骨盤内臓全摘術を要すると判断をしたが,良性疾患のためfecal diversionとしてS状結腸でのloop colostomyを行った.術後経過良好であり,QOLも良好である.
3)J Korean Med Sci. 2003 Jun;18(3):433-6. Vesico-ileosigmoidal fistula caused by diverticulitis: report of a case and literature review in Japan.
Nishimori H, Hirata K, Fukui R, Sasaki M, Yasoshima T, Nakajima F, Hata F, Kobayashi K.
Enterovesical fistula is a relatively uncommon complication of colorectal and pelvic malignancies, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, radiotherapy, and trauma in Asian countries. A case of vesico-ileosigmoidal fistula and a literature review of this disease in Japan are presented. A 70-yr-old male was referred with complaints of urinary pain and pneumaturia. On admission, urinary tract infection and pneumaturia were presented. A barium enema demonstrated multiple diverticulum in his sigmoid colon and the passage of contrast medium into the bladder and ileum. Under the diagnosis of vesico-ileosigmoidal fistula due to suspected diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon, sigmoidectomy and partial resection of the ileum with partial cystectomy were performed. The histopathology revealed diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon with diverticulitis and development of a vesico-ileosigmoidal fistula. No malignant findings were observed. Until the year 2000, a total of 173 cases of vesico-sigmoidal fistula caused by diverticulitis had been reported in Japan. Pneumaturia and fecaluria are the most common types, presenting symptoms in 63% of the cases. Computed tomography, with a sensitivity of 40% to 100%, is the most commonly used diagnostic study. For patients with vesico-sigmoidal fistula, resection of the diseased sigmoid colon and partial cystectomy with primary anastomosis are the safest and most acceptable procedures, leading to the best results.PMID: 12808335 (full text)