右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ17 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 RE 82】

急性虫垂炎.acute appendicitis

盲腸(C)は図10で盲端になり,回腸末端(TI)は図1から始まる.図7の1〜図13の7は最大径6mm以上に腫大し,壁は比較的良好に造影され,図13と図14で腹水を認め(※),急性虫垂炎と診断できる.手術および病理所見:phlegmonous appendicitis(図A).

文献考察:CT活用によりnegative appendectomy が20%→7%に減った
Ann Surg. 1999 Mar;229(3):344-9.
Introduction of appendiceal CT: impact on negative appendectomy and appendiceal perforation rates.
Rao PM, Rhea JT, Rattner DW, Venus LG, Novelline RA.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the impact of appendiceal computed tomography (CT) availability on negative appendectomy and appendiceal perforation rates. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Appendiceal CT is 98% accurate. However, its impact on negative appendectomy and appendiceal perforation rates has not been reported. METHODS: The authors reviewed the medical records of 493 consecutive patients who underwent appendectomy between 1992 and 1995, 209 consecutive patients who underwent appendectomy in 1997 (59% of whom had appendiceal CT), and 206 patients who underwent appendiceal CT in 1997 without subsequent appendectomy. RESULTS: Before appendiceal CT, 98/493 patients (20%) taken to surgery had a normal appendix. After CT availability, 15/209 patients (7%) taken to surgery had a normal appendix; 7 patients did not have CT, 5 patients had surgery despite a negative CT, and 3 patients had a false-positive CT. Negative appendectomy rates were lowered overall (20% to 7%), in men (11% to 5%), in women (35% to 11%), in boys (10% to 5%), and in girls (18% to 12%). Appendiceal perforation rates dropped from 22% to 14% after CT availability. CT excluded appendicitis in 206 patients in 1997 who avoided appendectomy and identified alternative diagnoses in 105 of these patients (51%). CONCLUSION: The availability of appendiceal CT coincided with a drop in the negative appendectomy rate from 20% to 7% in all patients, and to only 3% in patients with a positive CT. Perforation rates decreased from 22% to 14%. Appendiceal CT can be advocated in nearly all female and many male patients.PMID: 10077046

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