右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ15 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 RE 74】

上行結腸癌・閉塞性大腸炎.Cancer of ascending colon with obstructive colitis.


抗生物質投与と補液で症状軽快し退院した.下段の図17〜図23は1ヶ月後のCT.図21〜図23で下行結腸(D)は虚脱し,上行結腸(A)はwater densityの内容物で拡張している.図19〜図22の▲は不整に,強い造影効果を受ける病変で,閉塞の原因であり,上行結腸癌による閉塞である.内視鏡所見で上行結腸癌が確認された.図Aの△が癌病変.病理:moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.

1)【大腸の非腫瘍性疾患 外科医のための診療指針】 閉塞性大腸炎の病態と診断・治療
  Author:青山浩幸(藤田保健衛生大学 消化器外科), 丸田守人, 前田耕太郎
  Source:臨床外科(0386-9857)54巻13号 Page1567-1571(1999.12)

消化管症候群(下巻) 別冊 日本臨床 領域別症候群6:645-648,1994)
閉塞性大腸炎obstructive colitisは,大腸癌などによる大腸の機械的狭窄部の口側の拡張腸管粘膜に発生する非特異性炎症性の潰瘍性病変である.頻度は全大腸癌の1%,閉塞性大腸癌の10%程度.診断基準は,1)癌などによる大腸の閉塞がある.2)本症の潰瘍性病変は閉塞の口側に限局して存在する.3)閉塞の肛門側粘膜は肉眼的にも組織学的にも正常である.4)癌と潰瘍性病変は組織学的に明確に境されていて,癌と潰瘍の間には必ず正常粘膜の部分が介在する.5)潰瘍性大腸炎,Crohn病,アメーバ赤痢などの炎症性疾患の既往を認めない.6)閉塞部の除去により本症の再発が起こらない.

3)Int J Colorectal Dis. 2004 May;19(3):268-72.
Obstructive colitis proximal to partially obstructive colonic carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature.
Tsai MH, Yang YC, Leu FJ.
BACKGROUND: Obstructive colitis refers to ulceroinflammatory lesions that occur in the colon proximal to an obstructing lesion. As this condition is not widely appreciated by pathologists or clinicians, we describe herein a case of colonic polyposis and sigmoid colonic carcinoma with obstructive colitis. PATIENT PRESENTATION: A 47-year-old Taiwanese woman presented to Cardinal Tien Hospital with a 3-day history of acute onset of abdominal pain, vomiting, and watery diarrhea. A lower gastrointestinal series using water-soluble contrast medium revealed annular narrowing of the sigmoid colon and showed polyposis at the rectosigmoid colon and regional colitis over the proximal descending colon. She was treated by total colectomy. Microscopic sections showed poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, tubular adenomas, and a segment of obstructive colitis measuring 25 cm in length 5 cm proximal to the colon tumor. The tumor was also retrieved for simultaneous analyses of replication error and loss of heterozygosity. A total of three instances of loss of heterozygosity were demonstrated at the P53, MET, and D8S254 gene loci. No examples of replication error were detected. CONCLUSION: Obstructive colitis can cause diagnostic and therapeutic problems. Colitis areas may be a source for septicemia or may perforate and lead to peritonitis. The frequently normal appearance at surgery may lead to involved segments of colon being used for anastomoses with consequent complications. Awareness of the features and incidence of obstructive colitis should help physicians avoid these diagnostic and therapeutic problems.PMID: 14704804
  【参照症例】   1. 下腹部痛シリーズ 5 【症例 LE 24】
2. 上腹部痛(Epigastric Pain)シリーズ24 【症例 EE 116】

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