文献考察:重複虫垂(duplication of appendix)
Surg Clin North Am. 2000 Feb;80(1):295-318. Appendix and cecum. Embryology, anatomy, and surgical applications.
Schumpelick V, Dreuw B, Ophoff K, Prescher A.
Surgeons should be familiar with surgery of the cecum and appendix because the diseases of this region, especially appendicitis, are the most common indications for surgical exploration. Usually, diagnosis of appendicitis and appendectomy are not difficult, but atypical location of the appendix or other anatomic anomalies can make the diagnosis of appendicitis and appendectomy difficult. In cases of atypical anatomy or diffuse clinical picture, especially in young adults or elderly patients, the spectrum of embryologic and anatomic anomalies must be kept in mind to make the correct treatment decision for individual patients. If doubt persists, explorative laparotomy must be performed to avoid overlooking rare, acute, intra-abdominal abnormalities.PMID: 10685154 追記:虫垂重複症は次のように分類される.1)Type A: Distal duplication with a common base(i.e.,bifid appendix:), Type B1: Two appendices originate from a common cecum on both sides of the ileocecal valve. Type B2: A normal appendix with a normal origin combined with a rudimentary form originating from one of the cecal teniae. Type B3: One normal-shaped and normal-positioned appendix is combined with another one originating from the right colon flexure. Type C: Double ceca, each with its own appendix.