右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ13 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 RR 65】

バリウム結石による急性虫垂炎.Barium appendicitis.

図6の1〜図2の7はバリウムが充満した虫垂と思われるが,アーチファクトを発生させ壁や周囲の所見が認識できず,CTで急性虫垂炎の診断は不可能である.腹部単純写真でバリウムが充満した虫垂を認めたら,CT検査は不適当で腹部エコー検査で診断すべきである.腹部エコー検査で急性虫垂炎の診断がつき(図A:↑)手術を行った.病理:phlegmonous appendicitis(図B).

文献考察:バリウム結石による急性虫垂炎(barium appendicitis)
1)J Clin Gastroenterol. 1987 Aug;9(4):447-51.
Barium appendicitis: fact or fancy? Report of a case and review of the literature.
Cohen N, Modai D, Rosen A, Golik A, Weissgarten J.
Whether barium retained in the appendix can be a cause of acute appendicitis is debatable. We describe a 40-year-old man who developed nonspecific right abdominal pain 7 weeks after a barium enema, which proved to be normal. On abdominal film a distended appendix containing barium was seen, and at laparotomy acute appendicitis was present. Thus far, 26 cases of "barium appendicitis" have been reported. On the basis of the relevant literature and the cases collected, it is appropriate to draw the following conclusions: 1) With present knowledge it is not possible to state whether retained barium plays any etiologic role in the development of subsequent uncomplicated acute appendicitis. 2) If a later appendicitis does supervene, it carries a high risk of being complicated; barium seems to be responsible for the complication. 3) The longer the interval between the barium study and the subsequent appearance of acute appendicitis, the higher will be the risk of complications.PMID: 3309023

  Author:宗岡克樹(新津医療センター病院 外科), 白井良夫, 藤村夏美, 佐藤英司, 須田剛士, 豊島宗厚
  Source:臨床外科(0386-9857)57巻13号 Page1725-1728(2002.12)
  シソーラス用語:虫垂炎; 虫垂疾患; 宿便; Barium Sulfate(毒性・副作用); 結石
  チェックタグ:ヒト; 中年(45〜64); 男

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