右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ13 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 RR 61】

遺残虫垂炎.Stump appendicitis.


文献考察:遺残虫垂炎(stump appendicitis)
Am Surg. 2000 Aug;66(8):739-41.
Stump appendicitis.
Mangi AA, Berger DL.
There has been a recent increase in interest in stump appendicitis with the rapid development of laparoscopic appendectomy. The objective of this study is to determine the frequency, management, and prevention of stump appendicitis in a retrospective review of 2185 cases of appendectomy and right colectomy at the Massachusetts General Hospital from 1960 to 1998. Three patients with stump appendicitis were identified. Patients presented with epigastric or periumbilical pain that radiated to the right lower quadrant. All had focal abdominal signs and a mild to moderate leukocytosis, and all underwent right colectomy. Pathology noted appendiceal stumps 5 mm deep. Two additional patients with chronic abdominal pain had cecal filling defects on barium enema. Endoscopically, these appendiceal stumps were 7 mm deep with impacted fecaliths and pathologic changes consistent with early inflammation. The stumps were resected by snare electrocautery. Stump appendicitis is a very rare entity. Its incidence may be minimized with accurate visualization of the appendiceal base and creation of an appendiceal stump less than 3 mm in depth. There is no correlation between simple ligation or inversion of the stump and stump appendicitis. There should not be a sudden increase in the incidence of this entity if laparoscopic appendectomy is performed properly.PMID: 10966030

2)Eur Radiol. 2000;10(4):674-6.
Appendicitis after appendectomy: CT diagnosis.
Thomeer M, Vanbeckevoort D, Van Breuseghem I, Petre C, De Vuysere S, Coenegrachts K, Miserez M.
This article presents a case of appendicitis 7 years after open appendectomy. Together with the apparent CT findings we discuss the current literature of this issue.PMID: 10795553
追記:23例の集計によれば,平均年齢は37.6歳,男女比は11:10,虫垂切除から発症までの期間は9週〜34年(peak incidence:6.5年).遺残虫垂の長さは2〜5.1cm(平均3.2cm),65%は穿孔を起こしていた.腹腔鏡下虫垂切除例に多い傾向がある.理由は十分な視野が得られない,虫垂根部を触知できない,電気メスによる盲腸壁の壊死を避けるため虫垂根部を長く残す傾向がある.

3)AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2005 Mar;184(3 Suppl):S62-4.
Prospective CT diagnosis of stump appendicitis.
Shin LK, Halpern D, Weston SR, Meiner EM, Katz DS. PMID: 15728024

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