右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ9 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 RR 43】

ソーセージと爪楊枝による直腸穿孔.Perforation of rectum by a toothpick and sausage.




J Emerg Med. 2002 Jul;23(1):35-8.
Toothpick injury mimicking renal colic: case report and systematic review.
Li SF, Ender K.

We describe a case of a patient with left flank pain that was caused by a perforation in the splenic flexure of the colon by a toothpick. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to examine the nature of injuries caused by ingested toothpicks. Articles were analyzed for the following outcome variables: presenting complaint, site of injury, recollection of toothpick ingestion, time to presentation, findings from imaging studies, and mortality. Most patients (70%) presented with abdominal pain. Few patients (12%) remember swallowing a toothpick. The onset of symptoms ranged from

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