文献考察:壁内気腫(intramural gas,pneumatosis intestinalis) primary(idiopathic:15%)とは原因不明の,気泡状の嚢胞性の気腫で,良性で症状がなく通常随伴する病変なく偶然発見される.secondary(85%)は線状か全周性のことが多く,種々の原因で二次的に発生するもので,腸管粘膜を損傷する状態(腸管壊死,腸管虚血,腸閉塞,潰瘍,悪性腫瘍,腸炎,腸管吻合部周辺,化学療法や大量のステロイド投与時)に内圧上昇が加われば起こりうるものである.
Kernagis LY, Levine MS, Jacobs JE. Pneumatosis intestinalis in patients with ischemia: correlation of CT findings with viability of the bowel.
AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003 Mar;180(3):733-6.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to reassess the CT finding of pneumatosis in intestinal ischemia to determine whether it indicates transmural necrosis versus partial mural ischemia and also to determine whether other CT findings can be used to predict which patients with pneumatosis are likely to have viable bowel. CONCLUSION: The CT finding of pneumatosis does not always indicate transmural infarction of the bowel in intestinal ischemia. Patients with associated portomesenteric venous gas are more likely to have transmural infarction than those with pneumatosis alone.
PMID: 12591685 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 要旨:15例中60%は腸管壊死あり,40%は壊死を伴わない壁内気腫で虚血状態だがreversibleであった.同時に門脈内ガスがあれば100%壊死,壁内気腫と他の虚血所見があり門脈内ガスを伴わなければ56%が壊死であった.