右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ6 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 RE 29】

Meckel憩室炎穿孔.Perforation of Meckel’s diverticulitis.

図7の小腸AB(おそらく回腸)は,下行して図9でAとBに分かれて図12へ進展する.そうすると図7〜図5の液体を含む管腔臓器↑は図5で盲端(blind loop)となるので憩室である.図7で壁は良好に造影され,周囲に後腹膜筋膜の肥厚や脂肪組織の濃度上昇があり(▲),図12で腹水もあり(※)憩室炎と診断した.手術でMeckel憩室(図A:△)の穿孔と限局性の腹膜炎を認めた.病理:憩室壁にリンパ濾胞を伴い好中球の浸潤がみられる.一部で潰瘍を形成し穿孔しているが,胃粘膜や異所性組織を認めない.

Radiographics. 2004 Mar-Apr;24(2):565-87.
From the archives of the AFIP. Meckel diverticulum: radiologic features with pathologic Correlation.
Levy AD, Hobbs CM.

Meckel diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, occurring in 2%-3% of the population. It results from improper closure and absorption of the omphalomesenteric duct. Meckel diverticulum is the most common end result of the spectrum of omphalomesenteric duct anomalies, which also include umbilicoileal fistula, umbilical sinus, umbilical cyst, and a fibrous cord connecting the ileum to the umbilicus. The formation of Meckel diverticulum occurs with equal frequency in both sexes, but symptoms from complications are more common in male patients. Sixty percent of patients come to medical attention before 10 years of age, with the remainder of cases manifesting in adolescence and adulthood. Heterotopic gastric and pancreatic mucosa are frequently found histologically within the diverticula of symptomatic patients. The most common complications are hemorrhage from peptic ulceration, small intestinal obstruction, and diverticulitis. Although the clinical, pathologic, and radiologic features of the complications of Meckel diverticulum are well known, the diagnosis of Meckel diverticulum is difficult to establish preoperatively.PMID: 15026601

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