右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ6 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 RE 26】

Meckel憩室穿孔.Perforation of Meckel’s diverticulum.

図1の小腸(SB:おそらく回腸)は図13まで垂直に尾側へ下行する.図3でその小腸から分岐する↑は図7で盲端になるので憩室である.図8〜図12で遊離ガスを認め(△),その周囲には液貯留(▲)と脂肪組織の濃度上昇があり,憩室の穿孔と診断する.TI:回腸末端.正確にCT診断され手術となった.図Aのごとく,回盲部より70cmの部位でMeckel憩室と憩室先端での穿孔を認めた.病理: Meckel’s diverticulum with perforation.異所性胃粘膜や腫瘍性病変は認めない.

  Author:長田俊一(横浜掖済会病院), 高橋徹也, 亀田久仁郎, 福島忠男, 高橋利通
  Source:臨床外科(0386-9857)56巻6号 Page841-844(2001.06)

2)World J Surg. 1995 Sep-Oct;19(5):734-6; discussion 737.
Meckel's diverticulum in Amsterdam: experience in 136 patients.
Bemelman WA, Hugenholtz E, Heij HA, Wiersma PH, Obertop H.

The object of this study was to establish the relation of symptomatic diverticula to the age and gender of the patients and to the presence of ectopic tissue. A total of 136 patients with surgically treated diverticula were collected from the medical charts of five Amsterdam hospitals; 51 had undergone resection because of diverticulum-related symptoms and 85 during laparotomy for other causes. Obstruction was the predominant symptom (39%) in the 51 symptomatic patients. Hemorrhage, perforation, diverticulitis, and intussusception were the other symptoms (12-14% each). Obstruction occurred mainly in patients under age 10 years and perforation in patients 10 to 30 years old. All symptoms, hemorrhage excepted, occurred two to four times more in men. Hemorrhage and perforation were associated with the presence of ectopic gastric tissue. We concluded that symptoms caused by Meckel's diverticula are mainly due to the presence of bands or ectopic gastric tissue. The symptoms manifest at an early age (77% in those under age 30) and predominantly in males. Diverticula found incidentally in patients younger than 30 years should be resected. In the older patients, resection is indicated if ectopic gastric tissue is suspected. Diverticular bands can simply be cut.PMID: 7571672

3)J Am Coll Surg. 2001 May;192(5):658-62.
Meckel's diverticulum.
Yahchouchy EK, Marano AF, Etienne JC, Fingerhut AL.PMID: 11333103


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