1)Radiographics. 2002 Sep-Oct;22(5):1093-107; discussion 1107-9. Algorithmic approach to CT diagnosis of the abnormal bowel wall.
Wittenberg J, Harisinghani MG, Jhaveri K, Varghese J, Mueller PR.
Computed tomography demonstrates intestinal wall abnormalities that can be analyzed by categorizing attenuation changes in the intestinal wall and transposing morphologic characteristics learned from barium studies. These attenuation patterns include white, gray, water halo sign, fat halo sign, and black. The white pattern represents avid contrast material enhancement that uniformly affects most of the thickened bowel wall. If the bowel wall is enhanced to a degree equal to or greater than that of venous opacification in the same scan, it should be classified in the white attenuation pattern. Common diagnoses with this pattern include idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases and vascular disorders. The gray pattern is defined as a thickened bowel wall with limited enhancement whose homogeneous attenuation is comparable with that of enhanced muscle. This pattern is used to differentiate between benign and malignant disease, but it is the least specific of the patterns and should be combined with morphologic observations. The water halo sign indicates stratification within a thickened bowel wall that consists of either two or three continuous, symmetrically thickened layers. Common diagnoses with this sign include idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases, vascular disorders, infectious diseases, and radiation damage. The fat halo sign refers to a three-layered target sign of thickened bowel in which the middle or "submucosal" layer has a fatty attenuation. Common diagnoses with this sign include Crohn disease in the small intestine and idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases in the colon. Black attenuation is the equivalent of pneumatosis, and this pattern is commonly seen in ischemia, infection, and trauma.PMID: 12235339(full text)
要旨:正常腸管の壁の厚さは,拡張していれば1〜2mm,虚脱していれば3〜4mm.5つのカテゴリーに分ける(Fig.1).1)「white pattern」:静脈相のCTで肥厚した壁が静脈と同等にまたは静脈以上に一様に造影され,2つの病態がある.1:血管拡張と血流増加によるもので腸間膜の血管拡張を伴う.炎症性腸疾患(Crohn病や潰瘍性大腸炎)が代表的.2:腸管壁の血管の障害により造影剤が間質に漏出する病態.”shock bowel”:外傷などで低血圧による腸管壁の虚血が血管から間質へ造影剤の漏出を生じさせ壁の造影効果を増す.虚血による壁肥厚は低濃度となる場合が多いが,同様な機序により高濃度となることがある.悪性腫瘍もwhite patternを呈する.2)「gray pattern」:筋肉と同等に造影される壁肥厚で,最も特異性が低い.悪性腫瘍も良性腫瘍もgray patternを呈するが,Table1の所見で鑑別する.3)「water halo sign」:粘膜下浮腫による低吸収域があり,その外側は造影される固有筋層を,内側には造影される粘膜を示すもの(target sign)で,急性の腸管壁損傷を意味する.悪性腫瘍と良性腫瘍との鑑別点はTable2.炎症性腸疾患,血管性腸疾患,感染性腸炎,放射性腸炎などにみられる.4)「fat halo sign」:「water halo sign」の粘膜下浮腫層が脂肪濃度(-10HU以下)を呈するもの.小腸ではCrohn病,大腸では潰瘍性大腸炎で最も多くみられる.正常腸管でも認めることがあるが,薄く,固有筋層も1mm以上の肥厚を呈さない.5):「black pattern」:ガスと同等な濃度を示すもので,壁内気腫を意味する.粘膜の障害をきたすすべての疾患に生じうる.
2)AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2001 May;176(5):1105-16. CT of bowel wall thickening: significance and pitfalls of interpretation.
Macari M, Balthazar EJ.PMID: 11312162.表1〜表4.