Eur Radiol. 1997;7(1):3-9. Infectious ileocecitis caused by Yersinia, Campylobacter, and Salmonella: clinical, radiological and US findings.
Puylaert JB, Van der Zant FM, Mutsaers JA.
Yersinia, Campylobacter, and Salmonella are pathological microorganisms which incidentally may specifically infect the ileocecal area (infectious ileocecitis). In such cases pain in the right lower quadrant is the predominant symptom, and diarrhea is absent or only mild. This symptomatology can lead to an unnecessary laparotomy for suspected appendicitis. At surgery a normal appendix is removed, while there is edematous thickening of ileum and cecum, and enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes. These ileocecal abnormalities give rise to a fairly characteristic US image, enabling the radiologist to rapidly differentiate infectious ileocecitis from appendicitis, thus preventing an unnecessary laparotomy. Infectious ileocecitis caused by Yersinia, Campylobacter, and Salmonella is a common mimicker of appendicitis, and its incidence at this moment is grossly underestimated. Ultrasound is presently the only means to prevent an unnecessary operation for this condition which is principally self-limiting and innocuous.
PMID: 9000386 追記:感染性回盲部炎の臨床的特徴,1)腹痛は疝痛性で,間欠的のことがある,2)下痢はないか軽度であるが,まれに激しい下痢を伴うことがある,3)圧痛は虫垂炎ほど強くない,4)虫垂炎より血沈(赤沈:赤血球沈降速度)が亢進する,5)特にYersinia Enterocolitisでは病状が長引いてCrohn病や虫垂炎合併症と類似することがある,6)約半数は症状と腹部所見が軽度で,約半数は急性腹症として手術の対象となる.