右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ4 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 RR 17】

急性虫垂炎.Acute appendicitis.

盲腸(C)は図6で盲端になり,図1のTI が回腸末端で尾側へ下行する.図6の1が虫垂根部に嵌頓した糞石(fecalith,虫垂結石appendicolithiasis)で,図5の2から腫大した虫垂が上行し,図3でUターンして図7の8で盲端になる.図3〜図8で腹膜の肥厚(▲)を,図4〜図7で周囲脂肪組織の濃度上昇を認め(△)急性虫垂炎である(図A:粘膜面).病理:phlegmonous appendicitis

文献考察:小児のnegative appendectomy rate;画像診断を行わなかった→14%,USのみ→17%,CTのみ→2%
Radiology. 2001 Jul;220(1):103-7.
Effect of cross-sectional imaging on negative appendectomy and perforation rates in children.
Applegate KE, Sivit CJ, Salvator AE, Borisa VJ, Dudgeon DL, Stallion AE, Grisoni ER.

PURPOSE: To compare negative appendectomy and perforation rates in children who underwent ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), or no imaging before urgent appendectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All children who underwent urgent appendectomy during a 4(1/2)-year period were identified in a surgical billing database. Pathology reports were coded as negative or as showing acute inflammation or perforation. Imaging up to 14 days before appendectomy or abscess drainage was noted, and imaging-based diagnoses were compared with pathologic findings. Patient age and sex were recorded. RESULTS: Two hundred ninety-nine children, 176 (59%) male and 123 (41%) female (mean age, 10.4 years; age range, 1--21 years), underwent urgent appendectomy. One hundred twenty-six (42%) underwent no imaging, 121 (41%) underwent US with or without CT, and 52 (17%) underwent CT only; 44 (15%) underwent both US and CT. There were significantly higher rates of appendectomy with normal pathologic findings ("negative appendectomy") in patients who underwent no imaging (14% [18 of 126]) or US (17% [20 of 121]) versus the rates in those who underwent CT only (2% [one of 52]) (P =.02 and P =.007, respectively). The negative appendectomy rate was 7% in 96 patients who underwent CT with or without prior US. The perforation rates were not significantly different. CONCLUSION: As compared with children who underwent no preoperative imaging and those who underwent US, children who underwent CT had a significantly lower negative appendectomy rate, without a significantly higher perforation rate. PMID: 11425980

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