右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ2 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 RE 7】

S状結腸の腹膜垂炎.Epiploic appendagitis of sigmoid colon.

図2〜図4は省略.図14の1〜図11の29はS状結腸である.腹膜垂炎( Epiploic appendagitis )の造影CT所見は(下記文献),1).1〜4cm大の,卵円型の、正常の脂肪より吸収値(density)の高い,さらに高吸収値の外縁を伴った,大腸壁に接する脂肪組織(図8〜図12:↑),2).隣接する大腸は部分的に壁肥厚を呈し(図8〜図11:▲),その壁肥厚した大腸の長さは5cm以内で(図8〜図11:▲),3).周囲脂肪組織の炎症性浮腫による濃度上昇(図11〜図15:△)や腹膜の肥厚があることである.憩室炎と誤診されることが多いが,この症例では憩室を認めない,5cm以内の壁肥厚であり,憩室炎は否定できる.

Am J Surg 1998 Jul;176(1):81-5
Misdiagnosis of primary epiploic appendagitis.
Rao PM, Rhea JT, Wittenberg J, Warshaw AL.

BACKGROUND: The authors determined the radiological misdiagnosis rate of primary epiploic appendagitis (PEA) and its impact on patient management and hospital resource use. METHODS: A total of 660 computed tomography scans performed for clinically suspected diverticulitis (348 cases) or appendicitis (312 cases) were reviewed for cases meeting strict radiological criteria for PEA. Retrospective interpretations were compared with radiological reports. Medical records and hospital cost data were reviewed to estimate impact on patient management and resource use. RESULTS: Eleven scans (2%) met criteria for PEA. Seven scans were initially misdiagnosed as diverticulitis (6 patients) or appendicitis (1 patient). All misdiagnosed patients were hospitalized (mean 4.3 days); 6 received antibiotic therapy. Average cost per patient was ,117. Four scans were initially correctly diagnosed as PEA. One patient was hospitalized (1 day); none received antibiotic therapy. Average cost per patient was ,205. CONCLUSIONS: Radiological misdiagnosis of PEA leads to unnecessary hospitalization, medical treatment, and overuse of hospital resources. PMID: 9683140
CT findings of PEA include a 1-4cm, oval-shaped, fat density, paracolic lesion with adjacent fat stranding, bowel wall thickening and/or compression, thickened visceral and/or parietal peritoneum, and central high-attenuating dot(血栓化した静脈)
  【参照症例】   1. 下腹部痛シリーズ 【症例 LE 17】

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