右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ2 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 RR 6】

右側結腸憩室炎.Diverticulitis of right colon.

 この症例では,右側結腸(A:上行結腸、C:盲腸)は図12までで,図10のTIが回腸末端である.図7でdensityの高い,中央に位置するI は粘膜で,その周囲のdensityの低い部分II は粘膜下浮腫,外側のdensityの高い部分III は固有筋層といわれ,上行結腸の粘膜下浮腫による壁肥厚(target sign )を示している.図11〜図1の肝弯曲部まで約13cmに及ぶ壁肥厚を呈し,図8〜図11で憩室を認め(↑),図2〜図9では上行結腸背側に液貯留(均一で境界鮮明な低吸収域)や浮腫による濃度上昇(不均一で境界不鮮明な低吸収域)や後腹膜筋膜の肥厚を認め(△),図8の↑の憩室を責任病変とする憩室炎である.T:横行結腸.抗生物質の1週間投与で治癒した.


J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2002 Jan-Feb;26(1):84-9.
Right-sided colonic diverticulitis: CT findings.
Jhaveri KS, Harisinghani MG, Wittenberg J, Saini S, Mueller PR.

Right-sided colonic diverticulitis is an uncommon but clinically significant condition as it closely mimics other common acute right-sided abdominal conditions like acute appendicitis and cholecystitis. CT can provide a rapid and accurate diagnosis of this condition and thereby prevent unnecessary laparotomy and surgical procedures since it is essentially a benign self-limiting condition requiring medical treatment. It is the aim of this pictorial essay to describe the CT findings and increase awareness among radiologists of this condition.PMID: 11801908

AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1999 Mar;172(3):601-4.
Acute diverticulitis of the cecum and ascending colon: thin-section helical CT findings.
Jang HJ, Lim HK, Lee SJ, Choi SH, Lee MH, Choi MH.

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to describe thin-section helical CT findings of acute diverticulitis of the cecum and ascending colon in 12 patients. CONCLUSION: Thin-section helical CT is able to reveal inflamed diverticula in acute diverticulitis of the cecum and ascending colon, which are diagnostic of this disease. Preservation of the enhancing pattern of the colonic wall was the most common helpful ancillary finding.PMID: 10063843

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