右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ1 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 RE 4】

急性虫垂炎.Acute appendicitis.

右側結腸(A:上行結腸,C:盲腸)は図6で盲端になり,図2から回腸末端(TI)は始まる.回腸末端を正確に追跡すると,図5の1〜図6の4が虫垂であることが明確になる.長さは約3cmと短い(図A:切除標本)が,外径6mm以上に腫大し,図7と図8で周囲脂肪組織の濃度上昇を認め(△),急性虫垂炎と診断できる.病理:phlegmonous appendicitis

Clin Radiol. 2002 Jun;57(6):507-13.
Effect of contrast-enhanced computed tomography on diagnosis and management of acute abdomen in adults.
Tsushima Y, Yamada S, Aoki J, Motojima T, Endo K.

AIM: To determine the impact of computed tomography (CT) on the diagnosis and treatment plan in patients with acute abdominal pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective study was undertaken in 125 adult patients presenting with acute abdominal pain (74 men and 51 women; 40.2 +/- 19.3 years; range, 18-92). Changes in diagnosis, gain in percentage diagnostic certainty and changes of treatment plan of the surgeons in the emergency department before and after CT were evaluated. Pre- and post-CT diagnoses were compared with the final diagnoses. RESULTS: CT findings changed the initial diagnosis in 40 (32.0%) patients. The diagnostic certainty was 58.3 +/- 22.9% before CT, and its gain after CT was 21.9 +/- 18.5 points (P

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