憩室炎合併症の重症度分類はHinchey分類(1)が最も多く用いられる.Stage1:Confined pericolic abscess. Stage 2:Distant abscess(retroperitoneal or pelvic). Stage 3:Generalized peritonitis caused by rupture of a pericolic or pelvic abscess,"noncommunicating" with bowel lumen because of obliteration of diverticular neck by inflammation. Stage 4:Fecal peritonitis caused by free perforation of a diverticulum("communicating"). 治療方針は,Stage1:5cm以下の小さい膿瘍は保存的に試みる.5cm以上のはドレナージ(可能なら経皮的に)が必要となる場合が多い(2).Stage2:ドレナージが必要(3)(経直腸的,経腟的,開腹).Stage3とStage4は緊急手術の適応である(3、4).
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4)Stollman NH, Raskin JB. Diagnosis and management of diverticular disease of the colon in adults. Ad Hoc Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology.
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