右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ1 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 RR 3】

急性虫垂炎.Acute appendicitis.

図1の腹部単純写真で右下腹部に楕円形の石灰化像を認める(▲).盲腸(C)は図4で盲端となり,図2から回腸末端(TI)が始まり骨盤腔へ下行する.図4の1と図5の2で糞石が虫垂根部で嵌頓し,図6の3から1cm以上に腫大した虫垂が描出され,尾側へ下行し図10の7の↑で盲端になる.図6と図7で軽度だが周囲脂肪組織の濃度上昇を認め(△),急性虫垂炎と診断できる.手術で急性虫垂炎を確認し虫垂切除を行った(図A)が,糞石と思われた石灰化像は実は豆であり(図A),異物による急性虫垂炎であった.病理:phlegmonous appendicitis.


Dig Dis. 1998 Sep-Oct;16(5):308-14.
Ingested foreign bodies within the appendix: A 100-year review of the literature.
Klingler PJ, Seelig MH, DeVault KR, Wetscher GJ, Floch NR, Branton SA, Hinder RA.

BACKGROUND/AIM: Appendicitis and its complications remain a common problem affecting patients of all age groups. Foreign bodies are a rare cause of appendicitis. We tried to define potentially dangerous foreign bodies that may cause appendicitis and summarize general guidelines for their clinical management. METHODS: A 100-year literature review including 256 cases of ingested foreign bodies within the appendix with emphasis on: (1) objects that are more prone to cause appendicitis or appendiceal perforation; (2) foreign bodies that are radiopaque and may be detected during follow-up with plain abdominal films, and (3) guidelines for clinical management. RESULTS: Complications usually occur with sharp, thin, stiff, pointed and long objects. The majority of these objects are radiopaque. An immediate attempt should be made to remove a risky object by gastroscopy. If this fails, clinical follow-up with serial abdominal radiographs should be obtained. If the anatomical position of the object appears not to change and, most commonly, remains in the right lower abdominal quadrant, an attempt at colonoscopic removal is indicated. If this is unsuccessful, laparoscopic exploration with fluoroscopic guidance should be carried out to localize and remove the objects either by ileotomy, colotomy, or by appendectomy. CONCLUSION: Foreign bodies causing appendicitis are rare. However, if stiff or pointed objects get into the appendiceal lumen they have a high risk for appendicitis or perforation. These foreign bodies are almost always radiopaque.Review PMID: 9892790

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