右下腹部痛(Right Lower Quadrant Pain)シリーズ1 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 RR 2】

急性虫垂炎.Acute appendicitis.

盲腸(C:Cecum)は図14で盲端になり,図4から回腸末端(TI:Terminal Ileum)が始まり尾側へ下行する.図8の1と図9の2では虫垂根部で糞石(虫垂結石)が嵌頓し,図8の3〜図12の8が約1cm大に,低吸収域の内容物で腫大した虫垂である.壁は強く造影され,図4〜図12で周囲脂肪組織の濃度上昇を示しており(△),急性虫垂炎である.図A:切除標本,病理:phlegmonous appendicitis.


盲腸(C)は図8で盲端になり,回腸末端(TI)は図1から始まり下降する.図7と図8で虫垂根部に嵌頓した糞石(↑)があり,図7の1〜図18の12が1cm以上に腫大した虫垂である.図8から先端までガスを含み,図18の12で盲端になる.壁の造影効果は強くないが,図7〜図10で腹膜の肥厚または脂肪組織の濃度上昇(△)を認め急性虫垂炎である.手術および病理所見(図A):phlegmonous appendicitis.

Acta Radiol. 2003 Nov;44(6):574-82.
The most useful findings for diagnosing acute appendicitis on contrast-enhanced helical CT.
Choi D, Park H, Lee YR, Kook SH, Kim SK, Kwag HJ, Chung EC.

PURPOSE: To evaluate the most useful findings to look for in diagnosing acute appendicitis on contrast-enhanced helical CT. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Appendiceal helical CT scans with intravenous contrast administration (abdomen, 7-mm collimation; abdominopelvic junction, 5-mm collimation) of 71 patients with surgically proven acute appendicitis and 167 patients with alternative diagnoses were reviewed retrospectively. Three radiologists analyzed the following parameters: enlarged appendix (>6 mm in diameter), appendiceal wall thickening, appendiceal wall enhancement, no identification of the appendix, appendicolith(s), appendiceal intraluminal air, intramural air, extraluminal air, periappendiceal fat stranding, extraluminal fluid, phlegmon, abscess, lymphadenopathy, segmental terminal ileal wall thickening, focal cecal apical thickening, focal colonic wall thickening, and segmental colonic wall thickening. The features that best distinguished appendicitis from alternative diagnoses were selected with stepwise logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Nine CT findings distinguished acute appendicitis from alternative diagnoses (P enlarged appendix, appendiceal wall thickening, periappendiceal fat stranding, and appendiceal wall enhancement were the most useful findings for diagnosing acute appendicitis. PMID: 14616200

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