外傷(Trauma)シリーズ9 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 TR 43】

腎動脈閉塞 IVa.AAST right kidney grade V.


Radiographics. 2001 Oct;21 Spec No:S201-14.
Ct findings in blunt renal trauma.
Harris AC, Zwirewich CV, Lyburn ID, Torreggiani WC, Marchinkow LO.

Computed tomography (CT) can provide essential anatomic and physiologic information required to determine management of intraabdominal and retroperitoneal injuries sustained during blunt abdominal trauma. It can help in evaluation of the type and severity of parenchymal injury, the extent of perirenal hemorrhage and parenchymal devascularization, and the presence of urinary extravasation. CT can help confirm the presence of major injuries to the vascular pedicle and depict occult renal pathologic conditions. Principal indications for the use of CT in the evaluation of blunt renal trauma include (a) the presence of gross hematuria, (b) microscopic hematuria associated with shock (systolic blood pressure  追記:腎損傷の画像診断には造影CTが第一選択である.100−150mlの造影剤を2−4ml/sec.で経静脈的に注入し,注入開始後60-70秒後に撮影する.深在性損傷と大量の腎周囲血腫を認めたら注入開始後3-5分で尿排泄期のCTを再撮影する.CTで活動性の出血を認めるとき,保存的に治療し後出血を認めた場合は血管造影の適応である.

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