外傷(Trauma)シリーズ8 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 TR 36】

脾損傷IIIb・仮性動脈瘤.AAST spleen grade III,splenic pseudoaneurysm.

図1〜図4で肝周囲に腹水(※)がある.脾臓損傷があり図2〜図7の△は脾臓実質より高濃度で,大動脈と同濃度となっておりextravasation(血管外の造影剤漏出)である.活動性の動脈性出血だからTAEか手術の適応である.図7でIVCは虚脱しており重度のhypovolemiaを意味する.輸液でvital signsは安定し保存的に治療されたがHbは7.0g/dlまで低下し,結局8単位の輸血を要した.

輸血を要した以外は順調に経過し,上段の17日目のCTでは肝臓と脾臓周囲の腹水は吸収され消失しているが,図10の▲は脾臓実質よりややdensityが高く仮性動脈瘤を疑うが,early phase(動脈相)のCTがないと断定はできない.下段の30日目のCTで図13〜図15の↑は脾臓実質より高濃度に,大動脈と同程度に濃染され,辺縁が平滑で境界鮮明なほぼ楕円形の,4cm大の仮性動脈瘤が明白となった.TAEを計画していたが,施行される前に破裂を起こしてしまい脾臓摘出が行なわれた.

J Trauma. 2004 Apr;56(4):768-72; discussion 773.
Use of splenic artery embolization as an adjunct to nonsurgical management of blunt splenic injury.
Liu PP, Lee WC, Cheng YF, Hsieh PM, Hsieh YM, Tan BL, Chen FC, Huang TC, Tung CC.

BACKGROUND: Splenic artery embolization (SAE) has been used as an adjunct to the nonsurgical treatment of blunt splenic injuries since 1981. It is imperative to define the role of SAE in the management of splenic trauma and to establish a guideline for its use. METHODS: In this study, 39 consecutive patients with blunt splenic ruptures were evaluated. All the patients were treated according to the authors' protocol, which included SAE as an adjunct. Angiographic study was performed for patients with any of the following presentations: recurrent hypotension despite fluid resuscitation, significant hemoperitoneum or extravasation of contrast media on computed tomography, grade 4 or 5 splenic injury, or progressive need for blood transfusion. Laparotomy was reserved for patients with unstable hemodynamics or failure of SAE. RESULTS: Four patients were excluded from the study, and 6 of the 35 remaining patients (male-to-female ratio, 22:13) received SAE. One of the six SAE patients underwent operation because of persistent hemorrhage after SAE. Nonoperative treatment was successful for 31 patients. Splenic artery embolization increased the success rate for nonsurgical management from 74% (26 of 35 patients) to 89% (31 of 35 patients). CONCLUSIONS: Judicious use of SAE for patients with blunt splenic injury avoids unnecessary surgery and expands the number of patients who can retain their spleen..PMID: 15187739
追記:TAEの適応.1:輸液にもかかわらず血圧低下,2:造影CTで大量の血性腹水またはextravasation,3:AAST grade IVまたはV,4:輸血の必要性が続く.TAEを積極的に行うことで保存的治療の成功率が74%から89%に改善した.

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