外傷(Trauma)シリーズ6 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 TE 26】

肝門部肝動静脈損傷.bleeding from hilar hepatic vessels.

大量の腹水があるが,量を7つの部位で平均的な場所で計算してみると,図6で肝周囲に300,脾臓周囲に350,図8でMorison窩に150,図15で右傍結腸溝に250,左傍結腸溝に600,図16の骨盤腔内に300+150で,合計2100mlとなる.腹部エコー検査で腹腔内出血による循環血液量減少性ショックと容易に診断可能だからCT撮影は禁忌であり,即刻手術室へ搬送すべきである(TR27の文献考察.FAST参照).図10で大動脈は1cm以下に縮小し,IVCが虚脱しており重度のhypovolemic shockである.図2〜図9の△はextravasationで,主な出血部位は図5の肝門部肝動脈と思われる.図3で下大静脈(IVC)は造影されているのにその周囲に肝静脈が描出されていない.もう少し遅い時相の造影CTを撮像しないと断定できないが、肝門部門脈損傷の可能性も否定できない.図9と図10の↑は膵断裂の所見と解釈する.手術で肝門部に裂創があり,そこから大量出血を認めたのでガーゼでパッキングし閉腹したが血圧が回復することはなかった.

AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2002 Jan;178(1):17-20.
Using contrast-enhanced helical CT to visualize arterial extravasation after blunt abdominal trauma: incidence and organ distribution.
Yao DC, Jeffrey RB Jr, Mirvis SE, Weekes A, Federle MP, Kim C, Lane MJ, Prabhakar P, Radin R, Ralls PW.

OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the incidence and organ distribution of arterial extravasation identified using contrast-enhanced helical CT in patients who had sustained abdominal visceral injuries and pelvic fractures after blunt trauma. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Five hundred sixty-five consecutive patients from four level I trauma centers who had CT scans showing abdominal visceral injuries or pelvic fractures were included in this series. The presence or absence of arterial extravasation, as well as the anatomic sites of arterial extravasation, was noted. We obtained clinical follow-up data, including surgical or angiographic findings. RESULTS: In our series, 104 (18.4%) of 565 patients had arterial extravasation. Of the 104 patients, 81 (77.9%) underwent surgery, embolization, or both. The combined rate of surgery or embolization in patients with arterial extravasation was statistically higher than expected at all four institutions (p

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