その他(Miscellaneous)シリーズ10 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 ME 50】

食道ステントによる食道左心房瘻・食道下行大動脈瘻.Esophago-left atrial and esophago-aortic fistula by esophageal stent

食道と胃にまたがってステントが留置されているが,図7と図8あたりが上端で,滑り止めのフックがついている部位であり,前方に左心房が横たわり,背側には下行大動脈が存在する.図4の上行大動脈から図8の左心室に鏡面像を形成するガス(G)は,フックによる食道左心房瘻があり,嘔吐の際食道内圧が上昇し,胃食道内容物が左心房内に混入したことを示唆する.ガスと血液が鏡面像を形成している現象は,CT撮影時にすでに血圧がかなり低下していたからと思われる(下記参照症例).図10と図11の下行大動脈内のガス(△)は上行大動脈のガスとはスキップしており,別の機序と考えれば下行大動脈と食道との瘻孔の存在を示唆する.図10〜図13の▲は胃壁内気腫であり,図5〜 図8の▲もステントの走行から離脱しており食道の壁内気腫で,嘔吐による内圧上昇により瘻孔から進入したガスと解釈できる.所見をまとめると,食道下行大動脈瘻から食道へ出血し,吐血により胃食道内圧が上昇し,ガスと胃内容物が食道左心房瘻を通じて左心房,左心室と上行大動脈に混入したと解釈する.図10と図11の下行大動脈内のガス(△)は,低血圧のため,嘔吐の際胃と食道内圧が大動脈内血圧以上に上昇し,胃内容物が逆流したと解釈する.死因は? 図9で冠状動脈内の線状のガス像が描出されており(↑),空気塞栓による心筋梗塞または急性心不全を強く示唆する.SVC:上大静脈.



1)Br J Radiol. 1997 Aug;70(836):846-9.
Aorto-oesophageal fistula: a complication of oesophageal stenting.
Grundy A, Glees JP. 

Expanding oesophageal stents are now widely used in the management of malignant obstruction of the oesophagus. Stents have occasionally been used in the management of benign oesophageal disease. Reported complications of oesophageal stent insertion include food impaction and tumour ingrowth and overgrowth. There have been 22 reported cases of bleeding, which was fatel in 18 of these cases. There has been one previous report of an oesophageal stent eroding into the aorta. PMID: 9486053(full text)

2)Endoscopy. 1997 Jun;29(5):416-20.
Massive hemorrhage caused by a perforating Gianturco-Z stent resulting in an aortoesophageal fistula.
Siersema PD, Tan TG, Sutorius FF, Dees J, van Blankenstein M.

Endoscopic placement of self-expanding metal stents is regarded as a safe and effective method of palliating obstructive esophageal malignancies. We report here the case of a 49-year-old woman with an inoperable squamous-cell carcinoma located in the mid-esophagus. After two courses of chemotherapy, a silicone-covered Gianturco-Z stent was placed because of progressive tumor growth. Eighteen days after the stent placement, the patient presented with hematemesis, and died 24 hours after admission. At autopsy, the proximal end of the stent was found to have perforated through the normal esophageal mucosa into the aorta, resulting in an aortoesophageal fistula. This complication should be considered in patients who present with massive hemorrhage after undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy, or both, before stent placement in the mid-esophagus.PMID: 9270927

AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2002 May;178(5):1095-9.
Dependent pooling: a contrast-enhanced sign of cardiac arrest during CT.
Tsai PP, Chen JH, Huang JL, Shen WC.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to describe the imaging features of cardiac arrest that occur during CT. CONCLUSION: CT features of cardiac arrest are characterized by a pooling of contrast agent in the dependent parts of the right side of the body, including the venous system and the right lobe of the liver. If medical professionals are aware of these specific imaging features, prompt cardiac resuscitation can be initiated to avoid permanent brain damage and death. PMID: 11959708

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