Radiol Clin North Am. 2001 Mar;39(2):203-13. Imaging of pyogenic infectious spondylodiskitis.
Varma R, Lander P, Assaf A.
The presence of infectious spondylodiskitis and its complications may present protean clinical and imaging findings. The frequent use of multi-imaging modalities has led to a greater sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of this ubiquitous disease.PMID: 11316355 追記:骨髄炎の2〜4%,最近の腰椎手術,糖尿病,他部位の感染症,男性で泌尿器科手術後,免疫不全,腎疾患,老齢などがrisk factors.血行性感染は50歳以上の男性に多く,原因菌はstaphylococcus aureusが多い.麻薬使用者ではpseudomonas aeruginosaが,細菌性心内膜炎に伴う時はstreptococcusが多い.