1)【泌尿器科画像診断】 疾患別画像診断 後腹膜腔疾患 後腹膜腫瘍(解説/特集)
Author:細木茂(大阪府立成人病センター研究所), 黒田昌男
Source:臨床泌尿器科(0385-2393)53巻4号 Page327-330(1999.04)
Author:永井盛太(山田赤十字病院 外科), 村林紘二, 赤坂義和, 楠田司, 宮原成樹, 高橋幸二
Source:日本臨床外科学会雑誌(1345-2843)63巻12号 Page3067-3071(2002.12) 本邦報告例53例の考察:年令は3〜83歳(平均56.5歳),男女比は16:37,平滑筋肉腫と術前診断されたものはUS下生検が施行された2例のみで,術前診断は困難である.腫瘍最大径は5cm以下が4例,5.1〜10cm:14例,10.1〜15cm:15例,15.1〜20cm:6例,20cm以上が7例である.治療は外科的切除が第一選択であり,一般的には有効な化学療法はない.進展様式は,肝転移と肺転移の血行性転移が多く,リンパ節転移は少ない.
Radiographics. 2003 Jan-Feb;23(1):45-57. Primary retroperitoneal neoplasms: CT and MR imaging findings with anatomic and pathologic diagnostic clues.
Nishino M, Hayakawa K, Minami M, Yamamoto A, Ueda H, Takasu K.
Primary retroperitoneal neoplasms are a rare but diverse group of benign and malignant tumors that arise within the retroperitoneal space but outside the major organs in this space. Although computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging can demonstrate important characteristics of these tumors, diagnosis is often challenging for radiologists. Diagnostic challenges include precise localization of the lesion, determination of the extent of invasion, and characterization of the specific pathologic type. The first step is to determine whether the tumor is located within the retroperitoneal space. Displacement of normal anatomic structures of the retroperitoneum is helpful in this regard. For tumors that are located within the retroperitoneum, the next step is to identify the organ of origin. Specific signs, including the "beak sign," the "embedded organ sign," and the "phantom (invisible) organ sign," are useful for this purpose. When there is no definite sign that suggests the organ of origin, the diagnosis of a primary retroperitoneal tumor becomes likely. Awareness of specific patterns of spread, specific tumor components, and tumor vascularity help in further narrowing the differential diagnosis. Attention to these diagnostic clues is essential in making an accurate radiologic diagnosis of primary retroperitoneal tumors and in obtaining clinically significant information. PMID: 12533639