下腹部痛シリーズ(Lower Abdominal Pain) 1 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 LR 1】

S状結腸憩室炎穿孔.sigmoid diverticulitis with perforation

図12の直腸1から頭側へ腸管壁の所見と腸管周囲の所見に注意しながら追ってみると,図8の6あたりからS状結腸で,図6の8〜図8の12のS状結腸はdensityの低い部分(粘膜下浮腫)により壁肥厚し,図4の16から下行結腸となり頭側へ上行する.図9〜図4のS状結腸の背側を占拠する△は図9と図4で盲端となるので腸管外の病変である.ニボー(air-fluid-level)を形成しているので前方のガスは遊離ガスで,背側の液状物質内の泡沫状のガスは前方腹壁側へ上昇できないガスで,糞便内ガスか食物残渣間に存在するガスと解釈され,すなわち病変△は腸管内容物が腸管外に排出され貯留したものである.辺縁はよく造影される明白な膿瘍壁を認めず,まだ新鮮な消化管穿孔であり,浮腫状に壁肥厚したS状結腸に包囲されているので穿孔部位はS状結腸であろうと診断する.図1,図3,図4,図6,図7と図9に憩室を認め(↑) ,S状結腸の限局した壁肥厚があり,S状結腸憩室炎の穿孔と診断する.抗生物質に反応せず3日後手術となった.S状結腸部分切除(Hartmann手術)と膿瘍ドレナージを行った.病理:sigmoid diverticulitis with perforation,compatible.

Kircher MF, Rhea JT, Kihiczak D, Novelline RA.
Frequency, sensitivity, and specificity of individual signs of diverticulitis on thin-section helical CT with colonic contrast material: experience with 312 cases.
AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2002 Jun;178(6):1313-8.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to determine the frequency, sensitivity, and specificity of the individual signs of diverticulitis using helical CT with colonic contrast material. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between March 1997 and September 1999, 312 patients with suspected diverticulitis were examined on helical CT using rectally administered colonic contrast material. CT scans that were positive for diverticulitis or indeterminate were rereviewed by two radiologists; CT interpretations were correlated with patients' clinical courses and surgical findings. RESULTS: One hundred fourteen (37%) of the 312 CT scans were interpreted as positive for diverticulitis; 192 scans (61%), as negative; six scans (2%), as indeterminate. Of the 114 scans that were positive for diverticulitis, 109 (96%; sensitivity 96%, specificity 91%) showed bowel wall thickening; 108 (95%; sensitivity 96%, specificity 90%), fat stranding(脂肪組織のスジ状の濃度上昇); 104 (91%; sensitivity 91%, specificity 67%), diverticula; 57 (50%; sensitivity 50%, specificity 100%), fascial thickening; 51 (45%; sensitivity 45%, specificity 97%), free fluid; 49 (43%; sensitivity 43%, specificity 100%), inflamed diverticula; 34 (30%; sensitivity 30%, specificity 100%), free air; 18 (16%; sensitivity 16%, specificity 100%), "arrowhead" signs; nine (8%; sensitivity 8%, specificity 99%), abscesses; four (4%; sensitivity 4%, specificity 100%,), phlegmons; five (4%; sensitivity 4%, specificity 99%), intramural air; two (2%; sensitivity 2%, specificity 100%), intramural sinus tracts. Overall CT interpretation had a sensitivity of 99%, a specificity of 99%, a positive predictive value of 99%, a negative predictive value of 99%, and an overall accuracy of 99%. CONCLUSION: The two most frequent signs of diverticulitis were bowel wall thickening (96%) and fat stranding (95%). Less frequent but highly specific signs were fascial thickening (50%), free fluid (45%), and inflamed diverticula (43%). PMID: 12034590 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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