【虚血性腸炎及び壊死型虚血性腸炎の診療と遠隔成績】 虚血性大腸炎の臨床的特徴
Source:日本腹部救急医学会雑誌(1340-2242)22巻1号 Page25-32(2002.01)
Abstract:347例の虚血性大腸炎患者を対象に,臨床的特徴像について,一過性型と狭窄型の比較,再発例と非再発例の比較,若年例と成人例の比較,長期予後を中心に検討した.一過性型は295例,狭窄型17例,壊死型1例であり,一過性型と狭窄型の鑑別には発症3病日以内の白血球数,CRP,発症5病日以内の内視鏡像,治癒までの期間が有用であった.狭窄型のうち経過観察された5例の狭窄は徐々に改善し,再発例は検査で確認された症例は26例で,アンケート調査を含めると35例であった.累積再発率は1年後3.6%,3年後10.2%,5年後14.4%,8年後19.5%であった.再発例は基礎疾患,腹部手術歴をもつものが有意に多く,同部位再発が多く,狭窄型となる頻度が高かった.若年例は54例,成人例は293例であり,若年例は基礎疾患をもつものは有意に少なかった.注:腸管幅に対する狭窄率が30%以上を狭窄型,30%未満を一過性型とした. 追記:虚血性大腸炎(IC:ischemic colitis)の成因については,動脈硬化などの血管側因子と,腸管内圧の上昇や蠕動運動亢進などの腸管側因子の両者が重視されており,複数の因子が重なり発症すると考えられている.重症度により,1:一過性型,2:狭窄型,3:壊死型の3型に分類される.
Radiology. 1999 May;211(2):381-8. Ischemic colitis: CT evaluation of 54 cases.
Balthazar EJ, Yen BC, Gordon RB.
PURPOSE: To review the computed tomographic (CT) scans and medical records of 54 patients with proved ischemic colitis, define the spectrum of CT findings, and assess the effect of CT imaging on treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The mean age of the patients was 72 years. CT scans were analyzed for the presence of colonic abnormalities and associated findings. Ischemia was clinically unsuspected in 16 patients (30%). RESULTS: Segmental involvement was seen in 48 patients (89%), with a mean length of involvement of 19 cm (range, 5-38 cm). Wall thickness varied between 2 and 20 mm (mean, 8 mm). All parts of the colon were involved. The CT appearance of the colonic wall varied: (a) A wet appearance with heterogeneous areas of edema was seen in 33 patients (61%). (b) A dry appearance with mild homogeneous thickening was seen in 18 patients (33%). (c) Intramural air was present in three patients (6%). Ischemia resolved in 41 patients (76%), and complications occurred in 13 patients (24%). CONCLUSION: CT can be used to confirm the clinical suspicion of ischemic colitis, to suggest ischemia when it is unsuspected, and to diagnose complications. Intrinsic colonic abnormalities cannot be used to diagnose or predict the development of infarction. PMID: 10228517