腹部全体痛シリーズ(Generalized Abdominal Pain)8 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 GE 36】

壊死性虚血性大腸炎.Necrotic,ischemic colitis

図18の盲腸1から大腸を追跡すると,図20の直腸84までとなる.図3〜図12の△は壁内気腫であり,右側結腸図18の1〜横行結腸図11の28で結腸壁の造影効果が周囲の小腸と比較して明らかに減弱しており,高度の虚血状態か壊死を強く示唆する.図1で腎静脈が合流した直上のIVCが扁平化しており(flat IVC),強い脱水によるNOMI(非閉塞性腸間膜虚血症non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia)であろう.図1〜図4で両側副腎が強く,血管と同等に造影されている.強い脱水を示すもう一つの所見である(下記文献).腹膜刺激症状があるので手術を行った.右側結腸,横行結腸と下行結腸が連続性に壊死に陥っており,Hartmann手術を行った.病理:necrotic,ischemic colitis.

AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1999 Oct;173(4):995-7.
Intense contrast enhancement of the adrenal glands: another abdominal CT finding associated with hypoperfusion complex in children.
O'Hara SM, Donnelly LF.

OBJECTIVE: A constellation of CT findings has been associated with posttraumatic shock in children. Findings include fluid-filled, dilated bowel; intense enhancement of bowel wall, mesentery, pancreas, kidneys, aorta, and inferior vena cava; and small caliber of aorta and inferior vena cava. The objective of this study is to describe an additional CT finding in the hypoperfusion complex: symmetric, intense contrast enhancement of the adrenal glands. CONCLUSION: Intense enhancement (as great as that of adjacent vascular structures) of normal-shaped adrenal glands occurs in association with hemodynamic instability in children. The presence of intense adrenal enhancement may provide additional evidence of hemodynamic instability and help differentiate it from direct bowel injury.    PMID: 10511165
  【参照症例】   1. 腹部全体痛シリーズ(Generalized Abdominal Pain)2 【症例 GE 7】
2. 腹部全体痛シリーズ(Generalized Abdominal Pain)2 【症例 GE 8】

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