腹部全体痛シリーズ(Generalized Abdominal Pain)8 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 GR 39】

Ogilvie症候群.Ogilvie’s syndrome

図1の腹部単純写真でガスで拡張した腸管▲はcoffee bean signを呈し,S状結腸捻転の可能性がある.図13の直腸1から逆行性に追跡すると図2の12となり,図2の下行結腸Aは図7でUターンして図6のGからS状結腸となり頭側へ上行する.すべての結腸が液状便とガスで拡張し,捻転を認めず,Ogilvie症候群(急性結腸偽性閉塞症:acute pseudo-obstruction)である.ネラトンチューブを肛門より挿入しガスと液状便1200mlを吸引し改善した.

Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol. 2000 Aug;3(4):273-286.
Acute Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction.
Quigley EM.

Acute pseudo-obstruction may manifest clinically in one of three forms--acute gastroparesis, ileus, and acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie's syndrome). Though formerly associated primarily with the postoperative state, these entities are increasingly recognized in association with a wide variety of major medical problems. There are few controlled studies to guide the clinician in the management of these disorders. Treatment remains largely empirical, and time-honored, based primarily on "bowel rest," nasogastric decompression, and supportive care. While a wide variety of pharmacologic approaches have been advocated, few have been subjected to, or survived, the rigors of a properly controlled trial. Neostigmine is a notable exception, and has been shown to be effective in Ogilvie's syndrome. Perforation is a significant threat in megacolon; colonoscopic, or surgical decompression may, therefore, be indicated. Both are associated with significant risks in this context, but may prevent progression to perforation with its attendant mortality. New approaches seek to exploit current concepts in the pathophysiology of ileus and megacolon but have not, as yet, achieved efficacy in human studies.    PMID: 11096588
  【参照症例】   1. 下腹部痛シリーズ(Lower Abdominal Pain) 17 【症例 LR 85】

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