外傷(Trauma)シリーズ20 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 TE 99】

肝損傷(IIIb+HV).Hepatic injury (V) with bleeding hepatic artery and vein




文献考察:Emergency department thoracotomy:腹腔内大量出血でショック状態の外傷例(銃創49例,刺創1例)に対してERでの開胸・大動脈閉塞は有効であった.50例中8人(16%)が神経学的異常を残さず生存した.
J Trauma. 2008 Jan;64(1):1-7; discussion 7-8.
Emergency department thoracotomy: still useful after abdominal exsanguination?
Seamon MJ, Pathak AS, Bradley KM, Fisher CA, Gaughan JA, Kulp H, Pieri PG, Santora TA, Goldberg AJ.

BACKGROUND: Although literature regarding emergency department thoracotomy (EDT) outcome after abdominal exsanguination is limited, numerous reports have documented poor EDT survival in patients with anatomic injuries other than cardiac wounds. As a result, many trauma surgeons consider prelaparotomy EDT futile for patients dying from intra-abdominal hemorrhage. Our primary study objective was to prove that prelaparotomy EDT is beneficial to patients with exsanguinating abdominal hemorrhage. METHODS: A retrospective review of 237 consecutive EDTs for penetrating injury (2000-2006) revealed 50 patients who underwent EDT for abdominal exsanguination. Age, gender, injury mechanism and location, field and emergency department (ED) signs of life, prehospital time, initial ED cardiac rhythm, vital signs, Glasgow Coma Score, blood transfusion requirements, predicted mortality, primary abdominal injuries, and the need for temporary abdominal closure were analyzed. The primary study endpoint was neurologically intact hospital survival. RESULTS: The 50 patients who underwent prelaparotomy EDT for abdominal exsanguination were largely young (mean, 27.3 +/- 8.2 years) males (94%) suffering firearm injuries (98%). Patients presented with field (84%) and ED signs of life (78%) after a mean prehospital time of 21.2 +/- 9.8 minutes. Initial ED cardiac rhythms were variable and Glasgow Coma Score was depressed (mean, 4.2 +/- 3.2). Eight (16%) patients survived hospitalization, neurologically intact. Of these eight, all were in hemorrhagic shock because of major abdominal vascular (75%) or severe liver injuries (25%) and all required massive blood transfusion (mean, 28.6 +/- 17.3 units) and extended intensive care unit length of stay (mean, 36.3 +/- 25.7 days). CONCLUSIONS: Despite critical injuries, 16% survived hospitalization, neurologically intact, after EDT for abdominal exsanguination. Our results suggest that prelaparotomy EDT provides survival benefit to penetrating trauma victims dying from intra-abdominal hemorrhage.PMID: 18188091

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