外傷(Trauma)シリーズ20 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 TR 98】

空腸穿孔(IIa).Perforation of jejunum(II)


参考症例(空腸穿孔 IIa):51歳男性.停車中の車に衝突し,ハンドルで腹部を打撲した.腹部全体に圧痛と反跳痛を認めた.


文献考察:pan scan(頭部,頸椎,胸部と腹部をCT検査).高エネルギー外傷(1:時速56km/h以上の自動車事故,2:4,7m以上の高さからの墜落,3:車にはねられ3m以上飛ばされた,4:意識レベル低下状態で暴行された)例で,主訴と身体所見で明らかな外傷の徴候がない(1:胸部と腹部に外傷痕を認めない,2:循環動態が安定,3:腹部所見が陰性)にpan scanを行うと,頭部3.5%,頸椎5.1%,胸部19.6%,腹部7.1%に異常所見が発見され,全症例の19%に治療方針が変更された.
Arch Surg. 2006 May;141(5):468-73; discussion 473-5.
Whole body imaging in blunt multisystem trauma patients without obvious signs of injury: results of a prospective study.
Salim A, Sangthong B, Martin M, Brown C, Plurad D, Demetriades D.

HYPOTHESIS: The use of liberal whole body imaging (pan scan) in patients based on mechanism is warranted, even in evaluable patients with no obvious signs of chest or abdominal injury. DESIGN: Prospective observational study. SETTING: Academic level I trauma center. PATIENTS: All patients admitted following blunt multisystem trauma. INTERVENTION: Pan scan, including computed tomography (CT) of the head, cervical spine, chest, abdomen, and pelvis, with the following inclusion criteria: (1) no visible evidence of chest or abdominal injury, (2) hemodynamically stable, (3) normal abdominal examination results in a neurologically intact patient or unevaluable abdominal examination results secondary to a depressed level of consciousness, and (4) significant mechanisms of injury. Radiological findings and changes in treatment based on these findings were recorded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Any alteration in the normal treatment plan as a direct result of CT scan findings. These alterations include early hospital discharge, admission for observation, operative intervention, and additional diagnostic studies or interventions. RESULTS: One thousand patients underwent pan scan during the 18-month observation period, of which 592 were evaluable patients with no obvious signs of abdominal injury. Clinically significant abnormalities were found in 3.5% of head CT scans, 5.1% of cervical spine CT scans, 19.6% of chest CT scans, and 7.1% of abdominal CT scans. Overall treatment was changed in 18.9% of patients based on abnormal CT scan findings. CONCLUSIONS: The use of pan scan based on mechanism in awake, evaluable patients is warranted. Clinically significant abnormalities are not uncommon, resulting in a change in treatment in nearly 19% of patients.PMID: 16702518(full text)
  【参照症例】   1. 外傷(Trauma)シリーズ12 【症例 TR 59】

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